A character from Cirr's quest, "A Flockload of Problems"! If you like this, please check out the quest!
LORD VI.AL, KEEPER OF SECRETS While all Lords contain secrets, few are known to keep so many mysteries under lock and key as the mighty and mysterious Vi.al, whose care with its words and plans have hidden many twisted intrigues and intricate plans from those around them. Few dare openly contest the plans of Vi.al, as it cultivates itself as a generous benefactor, forever appearing to the world to tend to its garden worlds and design works of great beauty, its image that of a proud protector of the masses. The wiser Lords seek patterns for the true goals and motives of this quiet mastermind, a spider in a web of countless strands leading back. Few are those that would dare consider an alliance to Lord Vi.al, and fewer are its friends outside its domain. Vi.al is approached with the same distrust and wariness it affords all others, and as time goes on, many and many are the secrets it must lock away to ensure the safety of its realm.