Once upon a Time. In the Year, 1984. Bob Iger invented the Piper and he gives to Mickey Mouse. In 1996, Disney Mickey is Piping the Piper to follow ABC Signature Shows, "All Hail Mickey Mouse!". A Year Later, Disney Mickey Mouse playing with Piper following the Muppet Characters, "I am Owned, I must meet my Owner!" A Year Later in 2006, Disney Mickey Mouse keeps playing with a Piper while Following the Pixar Characters from 1995 to 2006. "I am Owned, the Owner of Disney!" In this Year 2009, Mickey Mouse from Disney still playing with Piper, All the Marvel Characters will be Following with Mickey Mouse "Owning makes me Happy!". The Year is 2012, Disney's Mickey Mouse playing with Piper following the Lucasfilm and Star Wars Characters "All Hail, The Lord of Disney is Happiest Place on Earth!". In 2019, Disney's Mickey Mouse keeps playing with Piper to follow 21st Century Fox Characters. "All Hail Mickey Mouse!". When Disney's Mickey Mouse still and keeps playing the Piper following with Pixar Characters, ABC Signature Shows, Marvel Characters, Lucasfilm Characters, and 21st Century Fox Characters. "All Hail the Lord of Disney. I must follow the Leader of Mickey Mouse, It's the Happiest Place on Earth!" The Year is Complete, When all the 5 Acquired Assets were joined to Disney Sweatshop. When Marvel, Lucasfilm, ABC, The Muppets and 21st Century Fox was rebranded as Disney. Mickey Mouse became a Rich like Elon Musk. and they lived Happily Ever After!