Well now that's something you don't see during another day at the office! This big roo knows how to make an appearance, and not just a 'brief' appearance. No. It appears that Buck has finally made his presence known to all the little furs out there, and down below in the streets of this concrete jungle. Or, for him, somewhere to have a 'smashing' good time!
It was nothing more than just another day in another city. Workers went to work, commuters commuted, traffic stopped and stared in short successions as the streets filled with furs going about their day-to-day lives without an inkling of what was about to come their way.
As the day pressed on, all but a few furries noticed something was out of the ordinary. Some stopped and looked up at the sky with a puzzled look, others noticed a faint thudding and boom. Yet, those who noticed this merely brushed it off as just part of the day-to-day life of the big city.
But just as the morning passed into the afternoon, a large boom echoed out across the centre of the downtown district, stopping everything but time itself. In a matter of seconds, a larger and deeper booming noise echoed out. This second boom wasn't just deep, it was heavy enough to make the ground shake and alarms of cars and buildings to ring out, loud enough to almost drown out a third and even louder boom and heavier shaking of the ground.
Just as everyone stopped to look with concern and slight fear, a large shadow slowly emerged from behind one of the taller buildings towering over the downtown district. Just as those below saw the large shadow taking shape, a large hand reached out over the roof of a smaller building beside the one tall building where the large shadow was emerging from.
The hand slowly clasped the top of the small building as the tips of the colossal fingers pushed into the sides of the building. But before anyone below could fully react to what they were seeing, the fingers from another hand took hold of the taller building, with the rest of the hand and arm hidden from view.
Slowly, a giant, rounded body of a kangaroo began to appear from behind the buildings. The giant kangaroo's right leg slowly came forwards towards the front of the building as its eyes were fixed on the small streets below it. Upon seeing the streets filling with tiny furries, some frantically running in fear, its eyes gleamed as its mouth curved up into a smile. The giant merely stood like a statue and watched those below flee in desperation, eagerly picking up the tiny screams of the crowds running.
It stood and watched for mere seconds before slowly pulling the buildings in front of it towards them. It couldn't wait any longer to go forth and explore its small surroundings and hastily stomped forwards, smashing its way through the buildings.
As the dust rose up, it began to walk slowly through the middle of the street with its tail swinging from side to side, smashing its way through the buildings on both sides of the street. It eagerly followed the crowds of fleeing furries through what were small and narrow streets, keeping a curious but upbeat look on its face. The giant came to a halt briefly from time to time as it made its way through the city, only to brush debris off itself or pull and tug at its underwear.
Within seconds, the giant kangaroo had already waded though half the downtown district, leaving nothing behind but crushed vehicles, large footprints and partially destroyed buildings from its body and tail. Slowly turning to one side, its tail swung like a colossal pendulum into a number of tall buildings. Hearing the smashing noise from behind it, the giant turned to look, blissfully aware of its large chubby belly swinging further and going into the partially destroyed buildings!
As it watched the buildings crumble in front of it, the giant grew a faint childlike smirk. Finding pleasure in destroying buildings with its body, the giant kangaroo continued to wade its way through the city, leaving nothing but a trail of destruction behind it.
It had only been mere minutes since the giant kangaroo appeared from behind a series of tall buildings in the centre of downtown, but the damage and chaos it left behind was unimaginable. As it reached the outer limits of the city, its nose lifted as it picked up the sea breeze blowing in from the coast close by.
Feeling the calming sea breezes fill its nose, the giant stretched as wide as possible before giving out a deep and echoing yawn. Stretching one arm out, it scratched its belly and the back of its tail before following the calming sea breezes.
As it left the city behind, those in it were left wondering who this giant kangaroo was. But more importantly, how it became a giant. Why did it do what it did? Where did it come from? Where was it going? Was it a good or bad? Why did it have nothing on but its underwear? Are there any more giants like? What should one do if it comes back?
Nobody had any idea that this giant kangaroo was a chubby kangaroo called Buck Harman. Some did believe he was friendly by the way he looked down at them. And that he showed no deliberate intention of hurting, killing or eating anyone. It was only days later that comparisons were made between Buck and a Siberian husky called Danny Kapowsky. Although it was yet unknown whether Buck had met or even knew about Danny. Or if Danny knew about Buck and the fact he was a lot like him. It's not even known if Buck has or will meet Danny. Although it's believed that both Danny and Buck will find they both have a lot in common, and how much fun they're sure to have together!
So this is something I've been meaning to upload for a long time but hadn't got around to it. This here is a rather temptingly good pic of my big Kangaroo Buck done for me by FaeSeiren, who is someone I highly recommend having a look at. It was one artist I came across after seeing some work they did for my big buddy Banryu. Eventually I took to asking for something off them and this is what I got. So definitely have a look at their gallery and the amazing artwork they do.
Especially the wondrous macro and micro stuff they do, amongst the other incredible artwork. I would've included a link to the original, but I'm not sure if they've uploaded it themselves yet. It's hard to say because they have so much beautiful artwork.