With the voting in the previous post ended, there is a new inconclusive vote on substar that will now move to Inkbunny.
First, the results! Chris, the Player Character, will be a BUNNY The POV writing focus will be 75% focused on Chris' POV A vote on substar decided that Jill will be a MOUSE, so we are going with two cute protags here!
Now, for the vote at hand. Which body type should the Player Characters' dads have? It's either Dadbod (slightly chubby and cuddly) or Athletic (Somewhat toned and muscular)
CubCon is a twine game I am going to begin to put work into once THIS vote has been held. In case of a tie-breaker here on the Inkbunny vote I will cast the deciding vote myself to keep things moving. Vote ends on October 11. To see the original CubCon post: https://inkbunny.net/s/3107006
Please vote as replies to my comment entries to make my life easier!