I have changed so much of the story in my head that im going to reboot it even though it only got 4 pages deep. Dont worry Fran will be making a return. thankfully i didnt get to commit much of the story to page but my style has changed enough that i think redoing it from scratch will be a good idea however.... it'll be a slow process as i have a busy life and im not going to put my commissions aside for a comic i will be doing at most one page every month to every few months depending on what i can manage. The comic will NOT be a patreon or substar exclusive it will be posted for free right here on inkbunny and over on my discord. I will also post exclusive behind the scenes style wips and concepts only to my discord server so if you would like to see those please consider joining my discord server. No part of this comic will be hidden behind a paywall. I hope to see you all in class soon.
The first page will be uploaded after Halloween so keep an eye on that. character concepts for synn and fran will be making an appearance in my discord server. Server link here https://discord.gg/paVyV8cANm
you may also promote your own stuff in my server thru the appropriate channels! the server is a cub free environment due to discords tos.
You cannot be serious Synn! You just made my year~!!
I knew constantly being annoying in the comments about it would work~!!
But seriously; THANK YOU. Thank you thank you thank you. I cannot put into words the incredible emotions and feelings rushing through me. I love you so fucking much Synn! Thank you!!!!
Question; will the school still have its incredible perfect short-skirt uniform~? I fucking adored that in the first few pages~
After these years my dreams are coming true.. thank you Synn <3
Holy FUCK. You cannot be serious Synn! You just made my year~!! I knew constantly being annoying i