Both William and Sam were lounging on the couch, watching Fright Krewe. William had just received a wall carpet from his First Nation, Mamaceqtaw, and though he was invested he couldn't help but be sleepy next to the love of his life.
"What's this?"
Sam kneeled down, bringing up a box filled with baseball paraphernalia.
"Oh, did I ever tell you I was into baseball?"
"Sometimes, but wow, you actually have a trophy in here."
William smiled.
"Those were the days."
"What made you stop?"
"Work and fun don't mix. Besides, I'm going to give most of these to Andy."
"No way! At least keep the trophy!"
"What, the gold ring not enough for you?"
Sam rolled his eyes, and kissed William on the cheek.
Soon after the two of them were outside, playing catch.
"You know, me playing catch with you only solidifies you status as my daddy..."
William rolled his eyes, and three the ball. Sam's feline reflexes were on par, until he tripped on a root.
"You okay Sammy?"
He still threw the ball, while massaging his ass. William didn't return the ball to him, instead laying by his side. Both of them rolled in the grass, breathing each other's scents, hearing each other's heartbeats.
"I need a bath" Sam concluded curtly.