Cory is a friendly fish, was caught one day, prepared for dish. The knife came down to chop his tail, and Cory then, began to wail.
The souless chef, did chop it seven, and Cory thought he'd go to heaven, but Hallows eve it was that night and spirits watching saw his plight.
Distracted chef put down the knife, while Cory bled and lost his life. The spirits leaped into his head and Cory then became undead.
When chef returned the fish was gone and so too went the knife along.
Out of the window, into bay, Cory splashed and swam away. Now lurking under dock and sail, the undead fish, segmented tail.
Though Cory still a friendly fish, carries knife and evil wish. For if you fall into the water, Cory will begin the slaughter.
Cory's tail segments follow him around like a coiled spring, that stretch out when he swims fast and return when he stops. Cory is a codfish. I wrote the poem myself. I think it took a little over an hour.
I don't think that's an ability one can lose. It can get rusty if not used in a long time, but is otherwise like bike riding. A bit wobbly in the first minute but then it comes all back.
I don't think that's an ability one can lose. It can get rusty if not used in a long time, but is ot