I've been particuarly quiet of late except for uploading a comic I've already been uploading elsewhere and trying to catch up without spamming IB too much, because I've been struggling with a lot of things and mostly kept to my private little corner of the internet whilst I recover (it's not THAT private, it's actually my Discord Server which is here [ https://discord.gg/fHfuZxKvfv (be warned we will ask for ID to proove you're 18+ if you want full access to the server beyond the main chat for commissions and art)] if you're interested. I hadn't advertised it here yet cause again, busy hiding lol).
But as Summer is over and I'm finally starting to get back on my feet, I figured i'd use my favourite month to pick up the activity again and try and establish myself more actively on IB like i meant to.
Starting with Inktober!
Due to my style being nearly exclusively lineart/inked work it feels a bit silly to just use it as a Daily Challenge like most do. So instead i'm instead going to try and make a series of pictures that basically showcases a bunch of my stories and comics that I have pondered on and done vague art for over the years. Pretty much none of them are completed, some barely even got started. But its fun to reflect on all the stories and characters I made.
So for "Day Zero" here's my sona, Adri the Felty, doing what he does best and sharing his tales in his bubbles to any whom would like to explore them~
"The Story Keeper" now that a very cool title for an OC very mysterious and inviting love how Adn looks lie he's saying to the viewer "Please have a seat and listen to my tales is you dare"
"The Story Keeper" now that a very cool title for an OC very mysterious and inviting love how Adn l