Excellent! A cute bump AND outfit! Chibbers is having so much fun! Nice impact there, and she even nailed the building behind her, too! Two for one movement special! Lively and fluid posing with her hair following her motion, and the outfit detailing is nice too! Been quite some time since that Goldeen leotard has shown itself hahaha. Great present for him! My own is still in the oven because I am far too slow, but I hope it turns out anywhere near as good as this did!
comment preservation effort (that is somehow STILL accurate edition asdf why, me)
Excellent! A cute bump AND outfit! Chibbers is having so much fun! Nice impact there, and she even n
Aaaaah, had so much fun receiving this one from you! Haven't seen that outfit in ages and you came up with such a fun thing for her to use it for. Swing and smash! Not only that, but the building behind her also received a bit of a smash from a kick it looks like. Great fun! Thank you once again for this birthday gift, Alloy!
Aaaaah, had so much fun receiving this one from you! Haven't seen that outfit in ages and you came u