Blood-Bellflower: A Bellflower Bunnies Tale.
Chapter 9.
While at the Temple’s shrine, Periwinkle and Zeus had a discussion and it was a little stressful and stern, yet moderately serious and concerning. “Care to explain?” Said Periwinkle, “I will.” Said Zeus “It concerns what is going to happen to the settlement you’re living in, Blueberry Hill. I had feared due to the unfortunate of your schoolmate Emile, and of course the results of Viktor’s thievery and sadly the series of furious riots and criticism towards your father and you. And what’s worse, it not only attracted the dark miasma, but also a powerful dark force. One called the Demonix. And to top of that all, we suspected all of this was the doing of an unholy group you may know…”, “Foxhell, the organization who slithers in the dark.” Said Periwinkle “The organization responsible for the Tragedies of Duscur and Ariandroth, the Destruction of Hosnian Prime and worse of all, a nasty series of corruption in Adrestia.”, “Correct.” Said Zeus “We suspected that Foxhell caused all of this. We even feared that powerful forces like that clandestine organization will endanger us in a crazy and vicious manner. If left with their own devices, they would orchestrate acts like this one.”, “And do you think it is possible they were the ones who ordered Viktor Busekphaliccio to start the thievery, and that Viktor is in league with them as one of their members?” asked Periwinkle, “Correct.” Said Zeus “Viktor Busekphaliccio is a member of the Foxhell, and what’s even worse, they deceived your siblings, your friend Pimpernelle, your paternal aunt, as worse of all, the public across Blueberry Hill. They had caused so much trouble, including acts like your town’s prejudice against the white rabbits with red eyes as well as the assassination attempts on you and your father.”, “Hmm?” said Periwinkle “What are you saying?”, “Do you recall the visit of an infant rabbit with white fur and red eyes? One by the Timothy that is.” Said Zeus “A friend of your father who is a white rabbit with red eyes requested your father to look after his son Timothy, due to a constant series of endangerment to his family. Timothy, the infant white rabbit, along with his entire family were recently endangered by a nasty crime wave, and in order to protect his youngest child, Timothy’s father requested Bramble to look after the child to order to protect him, and it was a very difficult decision he’ll make.”, “And yet this resulted in inconvenience.” Said Periwinkle, “I’m afraid so.” Said Zeus “When your friend Pimpernelle’s father, Papilio, discovered the white rabbit with red eyes, he freaked out and suspected badly that the infant rabbit caused the storms that were recently happening.”, “After discovering what had happened, my father explained about an ancient legend, which is true at some point” said Periwinkle, “Although legends are long-lasting and that minds of people are terribly small and not easily changed.” Said Zeus “That legend is true at some point. To tell you the truth, when a family of white rabbits with red eyes came to the village for refugee, the crops, both fruit and vegetables were doing fine at first. But 6 days after the white rabbits arrived, vegetables and fruits suddenly stopped growing in civilians’ gardens, then 5 days later, the water was seemingly polluted and tragically had poor quality, then there was a mass series of cold climates which included slight frost and low temperatures, yet no snow here. Then afterwards, when the family of white rabbits with red eyes left the village to take refugee in another settlement, the problems in Blueberry Hill kept on being worse. Thankfully, divine mages as well as dark mages worked together to find out the problem, until at last, they managed to restore the crops, the water and the climates in Blueberry Hill back to normal.”, “Despite being informed about the truth behind everything, there were problems, right?” said Periwinkle “Although white rabbits with red eyes are the source and representatives of luck, both good and bad, but they never intend to bring bad luck to anyone in their lives.”, “True.” Said Zeus “Despite the fact you and your know that white rabbits with red eyes never intend to bring bad luck to anyone, but several citizens across Blueberry Hill weren’t convinced, and what’s worse, they jumped into a conclusion that Timothy caused the series of storms because of his presence and the public’s lack of seeing that the legend is true at some point like that. Your father, Bramble, tried to assure the furious crowd, but they weren’t convinced entirely. Even you and Violette tried to reason with them, but failed, and a lot of younglings and teenagers even made violent threats as well as throwing dirt towards you.”, “Poppy, Mistletoe and Dandelion defended me and the rest of our family with extreme measures in a crazy way, but my father punished them for this insane and stupid act.” Said Periwinkle “Yet, in an attempt to prove the public wrong, my sister Violette and I went to a place called Meadow Park in which some of the erect and lop rabbits living here are white rabbits with red eyes, to find answers. Upon arriving at the town, I discovered the white rabbits with red eyes, the ones who also called Albino-Erect rabbits and Albino-Lop rabbits respectively due to their ear-types, had been using hanging gardens to prevent their crops from being wrecked, and I even discovered they had been struggling hard to prevent their homes from being flooded badly due to extreme and righteous measures. Violette and I took photos as evidence as well as getting copies of documents regarding the estrange floodings happening in not only Blueberry Hill, but also Meadow Park and other settlements in which us extraterrestrial rabbits live in.”, “You also had suspicions that unholy forces caused all of this issue.” Said Zeus “They did cause all this trouble to pin the blame on white rabbits with red eyes. They also caused the storms with their black magic, and upon discovering Timothy’s arrival, as well as Papilio’s misunderstanding. They used both results as advantage to gain negative energy and to make sure their plan on ravaging Earth is successful.”, “Yeah.” Said Periwinkle “Upon arriving back to Blueberry Hill with evidence in order to prove the innocence of the Albino-Erect Rabbits and Albino-Lop Rabbits, everyone realized their mistakes, however Papilio and Flora as well as a few others weren’t sure if it’s the truth.”, “But that night after we showed evidence, the storms grew worse and flooded Blueberry Hill even more and the water rose up flooding the town and almost trapping everyone here.” Said Zeus “To top it all, Papilio and Flora almost jumped into a conclusion that the information both you and Violette gave were wrong, but both you and your friend Austin as well as your father and his friends Gunther and Agathe settled the matter and told them you’ll find ways to figure out the truth behind the floodings. It took 5 whole days to not only repair the damage, but also discover the truth behind the floodings in Blueberry Hill and other settlements. Thankfully, you did help the most, and so does your father. Papilio and Flora, as well as the others apologized entirely for not accepting everything and not understanding the truth behind the legends, and it isn’t because of the truth you revealed, but also what they were recently been told what had happened long ago when a family of white rabbits with red eyes took refugee in Blueberry Hill for weeks. But still, the public couldn’t reveal everything to the other colonies until further notice, even the Order of Seiros knew about this, but couldn’t reveal everything to the other colonies until further notice.”, “And about the assassination attempts.” Said Periwinkle “They happen to be…”, “Yes.” Said Zeus “A fire in your family’s manor, as well as the bombing a bridge during the bicycle race for women.”, “Care to explain?” asked Periwinkle, “I will.” Said Zeus “To tell you the truth, while your father and paternal aunt were heading to the fire station to prepare a banquet which is part of the Spring Harvest Ball, you and your siblings were making Apple Fritters and Fruit Donuts. You almost set the house on fire, but your quick thinking put it out. While your brothers were getting berries for a fruit salad, you remained with Violette.”, “Things became complicated when someone secretly broke into my family’s home and set the house on fire and placed gunpowder barrels inside the house, including the basement in which two gunpowder barrels were placed in there too.” Said Periwinkle “The man who set my house on fire, was a bounty hunter named Gonpo Barberio who happens to be a lop rabbit man with red hair and dressed in shades of blue and green. He was hired by some human being to commit arson and murder by not only setting my home on fire, but to assassinate me by burning me alive when the house was on fire.”, “It was assumed by your father that your siblings used the stove to make Apple Fritters and Fruit Donuts, but do their amateur skills in cooking and using the stove or any appliance, they almost burned the house down. But what caused the fire was by a bounty hunter who committed arson in an attempt to murder you and your sister, even he though he did not intend to do it but had no choice because he needed the money for a job well done.” Said Zeus “The fire brigade rescued you and Violette in time. Despite that, Mistletoe had arrived back with the rest of your family. After seeing the fire, he tried to put it out, but was critically injured when he tried to put it out with a hose, and was taken to the government hospital for recovery, and was there for 20 whole days. Upon checking the manor’s surveillance cameras, Bramble discovered that a bounty hunter did this for a reason. The human man who hired Gonpo to make an attempt to murder you through burning your house ablaze was Hans Von Arundelle of Adrestria. I figured it out about a week ago, and I suspected he and Foxhell conspired with each other for a reason, one dastardly reason.”, “And what about the bicycle race for women?” asked Periwinkle, “You recall the fact you and Poppy had been selected as teammates for the bicycle race in a neighboring settlement called Peterborough?” said Zeus “You had been participating against other female biker racers at adult age and their teammates. Amongst the participants are Emile and his mother Julia. During the bicycle race, some bounty hunters were hired by Hans Von Arundelle and his fellow nobleman, Nulas Von Yodalastam of Adrestria and the head of House Yodalastam. The two dukes of Adrestria hired bounty hunters consisting of not only members of your kind, the rabbits, but also wolves, foxes, echidnas and gorillas. They placed a bomb attached to the legs of the bridge and after Emile and his mother along with a few other contestants passed the bridge, it happened…”, “The bridge blew up and what’s worse…” said Periwinkle as he tried to get ahold of himself “3 of us fell into the large river.”, “Both your paternal aunt Zinnia and your older brother Poppy were rescued from the river first, then you were rescued last. In your case, a human woman named Edelnelia saved your life, while your father and several men and women rescued your brother and aunt.” Said Zeus “After you were rescued, you were taken to a government hospital and your father thanked the mysterious human woman. Shortly afterwards, she left and told your father she’ll see you and your family again someday. You were in the hospital for 5 whole weeks in a coma after the bombing of the bridge hurled you into the lake. You were self-healing for these weeks as well as struggling to live as well. Thankfully, you were entirely healed and finally at noon, you were awakened from your 5-week slumber.”, “I was wondering why I was in slumber for 5 weeks.” Said Periwinkle “Is there a reason?”, “You were dreaming about not only your past, but also visions of what is going to happen in the future as well as your future with Pimpernelle, the girl you deeply loved and cared about in your life.”, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Said Periwinkle “I somehow remember those visions and dreams very well. By dreams, they aren’t just visions, but also a good future of my life as well as Pimpernelle’s life. I even dreamt about both she and I dating while we were at our mid-teens, as well as my marriage to her in our mid-20s. Not to mention our first child being born together.”, “Yes, that’s correct.” Said Zeus “This is the good future both you and your friend and love of your life will have. But, it can only happen if you protect both it and your family and friends, but the price would likely be the settlement you’re currently living in.”, “Why?” asked Periwinkle, “Mythra and I foresaw what will soon happen to the colonies of the extraterrestrial rabbits including Blueberry Hill.” Said Zeus “We even saw that the Demonix will destroy your home along with several civilians, but you and your family, along with your friends and their perspective families will survive, but they will either take settlement in another colony at the planet Earth, or one of the rabbit homeworlds. No matter happens, you and your family will survive, and so will Pimpernelle and her family. I know you are destined and prophesied to save us all, and so does a lop rabbit girl who is the same age as you, she too carries the same divine abilities as yours.”, “I see.” Said Periwinkle “You’re saying that Blueberry Hill will perish and are you saying that Belphegor’s madness is to blame for what is going to happen soon?”, “Correct.” Said Zeus “Belphegor’s madness is a harbinger of ruin and chaos, and what’s worse, the time of a part of time is running short, and we feared that all of mortalkind, including your kind as well as the human race will be killed and turned into the undead. We need to prepare for the worse and make sure that day will come soon, the day that Belphegor’s madness will not ever harm us all and we will also make sure his madness will never endanger us all entirely.”, “But what must be done?” asked Periwinkle, “You must learn how to become a true warrior of light like your late mother, Isabella.” Said Zeus “You need to learn how to do it when you began to get involve in your first combat act.”, “When’s that?” asked Periwinkle, “Trust me, child.” Said Zeus “You’ll find out for yourself, boy.”, then Zeus disappears into the light, Periwinkle had a feeling he’ll meet Zeus again soon, he also had a feeling he may encounter something dangerous when heading back home.