As Writen By Johan Sabastian Bach. Perfomance by Myself.
Enjoy this song with out interuption. I had to break this song into 3 parts just to upload to FurAffinity. Thank you Inkbunny for allowing a bigger Upload limit.
This song was a bit harder to play than Toccatta and Fugue in G minor. But Luckly I edited out my major mistakes.
I have access from the local church. I did it as a tribute to play for them. In return I was allowed to record myself playing the pipes. I had a bit instruction on the diffrent parts of the organ. I played a coupled harpsicord before as well and so two or more keyboards wasn't really hard to go figure. Just all the pedals and nobs. Right Swell, Left Swell, Pressue and hold XD it was really fun to play.
I have access from the local church. I did it as a tribute to play for them. In return I was allowed