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No Fairy Tail Ending: Learn to fight to your strengths (Bonus pic)
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No fairytale ending: PART 8 Rue's March to the Sea

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Louis wasn’t a happy stag, a dark evil presence occupied his tavern. Most people would think a nine foot tall red stag with antlers that scraped the ceiling and seemed almost as wide as he was tall, wouldn’t fear much but Louis was uneasy to put it mildly. The evil presence darkened his mood, scared his regulars, who walked in and just as quickly turned tail and exercised the better part of valor.

The Black Bitch sat at a table in the corner drinking alone, Louis was careful to not stare but to make sure her glass did not run dry. Less she decide to switch from his specially made Brandy to that of blood... his blood. She was just a small coyote bitch, normally nothing to so much as to raise your tail over. This still didn’t put Louis at ease, his brother had heard from a friend he had seen her, the Black Bitch kill two full size bucks in a blink of an eye. Their heads had both been taken clean off before they could so much as take a swing.

There were stories and rumors that she was some kind of sorcerer or a witch and she could materialize wherever she wanted. If you crossed her, even locking yourself into a closed room, wouldn’t save you. She would appear in the shadows and cut your throat and eat your insides just as quickly. Louis didn’t plan to find out and kept her glass full and offered bread and cheese and what vegetables he had on hand. Better for him and his family to go hungry for a few days than wake up to find one or more of his fawns with their liver eaten out of their belly come first light.

The Coronation of the new King and Queen had gone badly, one of the Princesses was killed by the Monster of the East.  The Great Duke of Somerset had left with his oldest daughter Princess Lyra dead and the rest of his court and family in an awful state more than a week ago. Some of the other shop owners and tavern keepers feared war might be coming.

Did the new King order the Black Bitch to kill Princess Lyra? Louis had heard many stories of the Black Bitch coming for the young, killing the fawns of those the crown wanted silenced or to fall in line. He would not discount the possibility remembering all those stories, some more credible than others. If such an evil demon had a soul, Louis could almost believe she was more troubled than anything. Did he see her paws  shake that first night, were those tears in her eyes, probably nothing more than tricks of the fire light.

The moon was already high in the night sky when the Black Bitch finally turned her glass over and pushed back from the table and stood . She looked like she wobbled on her paws and grabbed the table for support. No doubt some kind of trick to lure Louis closer. She came closer. Louis mustered his courage and held his ground behind the bar. He had a long sword and a blunderbuss with enough shot to drop a charging bull at 20 yards but didn’t dare try for it.

The Black Bitch barely stood higher than the bar and smelled of enough brandy to satisfy most Bulls. She reached into a satchel she wore and placed several gold coins on the bar top. Louis knew those coins would be enough to feed him and his family for at least a full moon. Rue pushed the coins across to him and turned to leave. Louis quickly pushed them back across the bar. “ No charge Lady Rue no charge, I can not take your coin.”

Rue looked back and up at the Red Stag and pushed the gold coins back well knowing that those coins were a couple moons wages. Louis’s  blood turned to cold spring water as the Black Bitch stared up at him, even closing one eye as she did so for some reason and pushed the coin back across the bar. Louis couldn’t believe this, why were the gods doing this to him?! He gulped and shook his head, holding up a hoofed hand “ No Lady R.”

Rue pulled and slammed a black dagger into the bar top and growled “ Take… the… coins, buy yourself food or whatever you wish… do it … DO IT NOW!!” Louis backed  up into the shelves of bottles behind him, causing the bottles to rattle together. He looked at the coins and quickly swept them up and put them into his small box with the other few coppers and a handful of silver coins. When he looked up, the dagger was gone and the Black Bitch was halfway to the door, bumping into a couple of the chairs before closing the door behind her. Louis sighed in relief just hoped he hadn’t just doomed his family to be murdered in their sleep.

Louis did not sleep a wink that night but thankfully did get some relief the next morning. As Louis stood outside his tavern speaking with a friend, one of the area's blacksmiths. They heard it before it came into sight, row after row, column after column of the King's best fighters and Knights marching towards the west. Louis couldn't count past sixteen all the fingers and toes he had, but this was many many times more than that.  The Black Bitch in full armor made from her fallen enemies or so the story goes,  right out front leading the way. The clicking of hooves and rattling of armor, almost becoming deafening, as the procession went past. Everyone in the city  quickly stepped aside and making way without question, just stood and watched.

The more sharp eyed of the onlookers may have noticed the Monster of the East right in the middle of the procession. Not that it would be wise for any of them to say a word or look twice. Most were just secretly happy to see the Black Bitch and the Monster getting further away by the moment.

The Grand Duke had returned home with his slain Princess, his oldest and most favorite daughter, the grief ready to rip him apart. His brother, the newly crowned High King, refused to do anything other than kill his useless Head of the Royal Guard the drunken fool! Actually far worse at least a fool would be amusing. The Queen had insisted for years now that the abomination be protected at all costs despite his own and many others advising that Charlie be dealt with. Even now the King, his own brother, refused him this blood right to avenge his own daughter.

Through his own spies and those friendly to him at the Royal Palace, he found out that the High King is going to try to sneak the monster away on one of their ships to parts unknown. At that point the High Dukes' chance to get justice for Lyra would be closed forever. That would not stand Edward III Duke of Somerset would have his revenge, less he burn the whole Kingdom to the ground!

If he could not get his revenge before Charlie gets to that tall ship, he will build his army and march right to the High Royal Palace, and burn it with everyone inside . The blood and consequences be damned! Before it comes to that Edward must try to kill the monster before he can escape. Thankfully for them to get to any of the deep ports, they have to march right through his dukedom. If Edward knows his brother and the Queen they’ll send their Royal dog the half sister of the monster himself. Rue will  think she can sneak past with a small force and not be noticed. That’s how that evil foul mutt operates, fast in and out before anyone is the wiser.

Lyra was a gentle soul, kind to a fault, always wanting to be out with the peasants and doing what was right for the many. And Edward entertained her wishes, feeling no need to crush her kind gentle spirit. Lyra even had shown kindness to the court dog, not knowing how many fawns like herself Rue had killed with her own claws and fangs. For letting that foolishness and naivete continue when he could have put a stop to it Lyra was dead and gone from him forever.  

Edward would quickly bring together 20 of his best Fighters and Knights, that should be more than enough to handle one aging bitch, the monster and maybe a few of the King’s fighters. He would have Charlie’s head cut off, nothing fancy,  the sooner he was dead the better. Rue the Kings  and Queens executioner, she would die slowly. Edward would  make sure of that, he would relish to see how sharp her tongue was as he ripped her pelt off her back and tail while she was still alive. She could try and make it back to the Palace before she fell, which she probably wouldn’t, but Edward would like to see her try.

The Duke knew his lands and they’re only so many paths that Rue could reasonably take, if trying to get to one of the ports. And of the many paths, there was a certain area, Pine Wood bluff where almost all of them diverged from. A wooded area with a river running through it just before a mountain pass that if you wanted to go around could take weeks or possibly even moons.

The Duke and his stags would set up just before the mountain pass, there would be no getting around them. The Duke would pay double for whoever captured the Black Bitch, preferably without killing her. Not to say they couldn’t break her legs, back or other bones. Just so long as he could look her on the eyes as he skinned her. The Duke would throw Rues bloody pelt and Charlie’s head into the Great Hall then perhaps there could be peace? And he could grieve for his daughter and build her the monument she deserved...

Rue walked quietly along the path leading to the mountain pass, it probably had a name that she couldn’t care less to remember. The dozen or so Knights moved just as quietly behind her, Charlie bringing up the rear with a few guards. The bucks even in heavy armor could move damn near silently with those little hooves of theirs. Rue sniffed the air and let out a few short “yips” just as she had expected. The High Duke was just ahead, he was nothing if not consistent.

Rue looked back,  the Knights had spread out and away from the path, mixing in with the trees. The Duke knew they were here, Rue just hoped he didn’t have an arrow put right between her eyes as soon as she stepped into the clearing. Rue moved closer to the clearing, stopping just before entering it. She looked back at the Knights  and sighed before squatting down and urinating on her own paws. Rue reached  between her legs and getting a bit of urine on one paw before rubbing it on the back of her neck.

Rue stood up, took several deep breaths and stepped out, no arrows were let loose at her head. The Duke and maybe a couple dozen of his stags stood in a loose line  30 yards ahead of her. Rue kept her body language casual, moved to within about 20 yards and stopped the wind at her back. She could see the Duke's nose twitch along with several of his other fighters sniffing in her direction and give her dirty looks, one even rubbing his nose in disgust.

Rue bowed slightly facing the Duke “ Your highness, I regret meeting you again during these sad times. I would like to extend my deepest condolences, Lyra was very dear to me and …” the Duke interrupted and pointed an accusing finger at Rue.

Rue had been called far worse over the years, but wouldn’t lie and say I didn’t hurt a little. “ Your majesty, you know I can not do that, I too grieve the lose you hold so dear, I implore you please step aside, there need not be any more blood shed, not today!”

The Duke literally stumped a hoof and laughed without humor. “ You ...YOU WHO KILLS WITHOUT COMPUNCTION, YOU WHO KILLS WITHOUT MERCY! THE KING"S DOG SAYS THERE NEEDS  BE NO BLOODSHED!! HOW ABOUT JUSTICE... justice for my princess, retribution for my own blood being spilled ?!” I AM DUE RETRIBUTION, justice for my daughter, justice denied by my OWN brothers orders and your HAND!!! GIVE UP THE MONSTER AND WALK AWAY I WON'T PURSUE YOU!”

Rue did her best to hold it together, she fought back memories of Lyra brushing her fur feeling so horrible every time she hit a tangle. Wanting to braid Rue’s tail fur…  what a day that turned into. The day Lyra gave Rue a whole song and dance about why eating only grains, bread, vegetables and some cheese was far better than icky meat even getting the kitchen and servants involved. Rue blinked the memories away and wiped away a tear before speaking.

“Your majesty… Edward you say I kill without mercy or compunction, you’re wrong I have MERCY! I’m trying to have mercy now, yes I have killed.  I have killed the young… I have killed them in their beds as they sleep, EATEN THEIR LIVERS RIGHT FROM THEIR STILL WARM BELLIES!! I did those things so the whole family and the other 3, 4 or 5 fawns wouldn’t be sent to the chopping block or banished to survive in the wild, without protection, shelter, or skills to survive! If it was up to me I’d hand Charlie over to you right now and BE DONE WITH IT! But you know as well as I do that would mean war, something my people would be very happy to see! Is that what you want, your kind laying dead in the thousands my kind having feasts on a nightly basis?”

Edward pulled his Long sword and pointed it at Rue. “ Lyra showed you mercy… look where it got her, the war started when my brother” the Duke spit on the ground “WHEN  he refused to give Princess Lyra justice! Now prepare to die, you wretch … and why do you smell like your own Piss?!”

Rue pulled her short sword yet kept it  down to her side “Edward PLEASE, go home grieve for your Princess. Let  me do what I must, so I can do the same. Lyra died in my arms… she wouldn’t have wanted any of this. I beg of you, I’ve had a really shitty week or two. Fate will short the rest out in time !”


Rue cursed under her breath and brought up her sword, as usually the choice was made for her despite her best efforts.  “YOU WANT A WAR FINE SO BE IT, IF IT’S A WAR YOU WANT IT'S A WAR YOU SHALL HAVE!!! Yip yip yip AWOOOOOOOO...KILL THEM ALL!!!!!”

The Duke started  to move towards Rue as she yipped and hollowed,  she was a coyote after all, still that caught him a bit off guard. Before he could process that, another sound caused him to look left than right. There must have been 70, no 80, angry Knights charging at him and his 20 stags  from their left, just as many from the right!  That damned bitch had brought an army, Edward grabbed a pike from one of his stags frozen in fear.

The Duke hurled the pike directly at Rue’s chest,  she had mere moments to react and jumped to her right, feeling hot pain, rip across her side before hitting the dirt. There was a clash of pikes and swords, grunting, and a few screams, but it was all over within seconds. Very little clashing of antlers happened, that mostly only happening in ceremonial fights, drunken brawls and plays.

Rue stood up slowly and felt her ribs with a paw, her paw pads came back covered in bright red blood. It wasn’t spraying or completely soaking her side, so she would tend to it later. She had guessed the Duke would assume she would try and sneak past but he knew the area far better. When she told the King she wanted 200+ of his best Knights and fighters he was none too pleased, but couldn’t argue with the logic.

Most  of the Dukes stags lay dead or dying, one lay on his side trying to push his stomach, intestines and other organs back into his slashed open belly, dirt leaves and all. Charlie ran up to him, sniffed at the bucks exposed guts and  grabbed him by a leg and dragged him back into the forest. Thankfully the screams from the doomed buck didn’t last long.  Rue saw the Duke being held at sword point by three of her Knights and holding her own wounded side stepped over.

The Duke had a slash across his muzzle, looking like it went to the bone, one ear mostly gone along with a number of other seemingly non-fatal injuries. If infection didn't kill him he would look quite like the war stag.  The Knights had done as ordered and spared his life, not that he seemed to be happy about it. Rue sheathed her sword, wincing in pain as she did so.  “ Was this worth it, MORE DEAD, did this bring Lyra back?”

Edward just looked down “ Kill me already so I can be with my daughter, even if I wasn’t able to get her justice, at least I died trying!”

Rue growled and bared her teeth as if to bite “ Oh no no no, you don’t get it, if I have to live with the guilt of letting Lyra die so do you. You don’t get the easy way out! You get to go back to the Duchess and explain why you got even more people killed instead of honoring your lost daughter. Now you look, look at that buck the one missing his head. LOOOOOK GODS DAMMIT, I’m going to cut him open and eat his heart. You and your brother decide that you want to start a war over this, so be it, me and the rest of my kind will grow very fat from both of your losses!”

The Duke looked away as Rue stared at him saying nothing. Rue finally sighed, grimaced in pain from the movement again. “ Take his weapons, cut him loose, bury the dead….  I’m going to go lay down it’s been … it’s just been I guess?”

Rue walked a short distance into the woods and leaned against the trunk of a tree. She slowly slid down to the ground and put  her head in one paw.

Part 1: https://inkbunny.net/s/2628748
Part 2: https://inkbunny.net/s/2641852
Part 2.5: https://inkbunny.net/s/2659275
Part 3: https://inkbunny.net/s/2699881

Part 7:https://inkbunny.net/s/2754537

Rue's Bonus pic: https://inkbunny.net/s/2970588

This amazing art was done by my good friend and very talented artist https://www.furaffinity.net/user/maziurek/ don't forget to drop her some love.

female 1,045,004, anthro 203,558, canine 182,766, deer 28,618, sfw 27,158, forest 14,152, coyote 11,670, sword 10,023, armor 9,101, flat chest 8,229, fangs 7,852, red eyes 6,361, warrior 4,039, yellow eyes 3,773, antlers 3,324, battle 3,313, knight 2,702, glowing eyes 2,540, female domination 2,431, fighter 2,307, bitch 2,205, medieval 2,086, story in description 1,498, sfw furry art 1,487, growing 1,433, realistic 1,355, swords 958, sunrise 731, pointing 671, fully clothed 555, realism 504, knights 437, medieval fantasy 428, forest background 402, impending doom 290, hairstyle 251, rue 213, angry face 158, battlefield 147, swordfight 109, swordswoman 89, leather armor 87, bucks 82, middle ages 47, stags 28, baring teeth 28, k9s 3, angry dog 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year ago
Rating: Mature

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1 year ago
I see that you took a vacation from blood, guts and young deer eaten by evil canids:) At least in terms of graphics.

Is this the end of Rue's adventures?
1 year ago
One has to shake things up at least occasionally even if I doubt this will get the same attention as some of those other pictures do. And no I do not think this is the last we’ll see of Lady Rue. If and when she does meet her end,  I assume it will be far more dramatic then a relatively minor battle wound to the side :-p
1 year ago
Rue has had worse. I'd fear more for Edward. It'd be cruel for his wife if after her daughter she also loses her husband.

1 year ago
Indeed I feel more sorry for that family than anyone else
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh, good!!!
While I do appreciate the artwork(s), I'm a HUGE fan of stories!

Still loving your open, honest (If oft-brutal) societal differences between the vegetarian and meat-eating Anthros in your Universe(s)!
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you my friend, I’m really happy to hear that you’re enjoying the stories and find the different dynamics and characters Interesting and or engaging.

Quick question for you, do you feel this most recent story gave you better insight into both how other people perceive Rue as well as her view of herself ?
11 months, 1 week ago
I don't know a lot about Rue (I am still reading!), but from what I've gleaned thus far, her 'Reputation' is many-layered (In a Cervine-Ruled society composed mostly of vegetarians, just to have a carnivore would be note-worthy and catch attention, but then to include one that is the Court Appointed Assassin?!  (Whether real OR implied, that's gonna catch people's attention!).

Rue's internal mental/spiritual perspective on all of this?  She KNOWS she's an Outsider who has been allowed to live inside this society, but that permission comes at a heavy price.  One that her carnivorous nature can sate itself on, and also grants her a decent measure of protection/persecution from said society (Who is terrified of getting on her wrong side!).

Alas, this kind of dynamic is very, very dangerous.  Something happens to the current Rulers?  IF a foreign power overwhelms hers, where would that leave her?

So yes, you've caught my interest(s), and being a brutal carnivorous type myself, I'm not put off by the violence/blood shed, 'cause I know that's how a real world works!


I know that 'Reputation' has a HUGE impact on society and the folks who compose it.  

As a USMC Veteran, I remember well going through towns/cities/communities in my Dress Blues, and the reaction(s) I saw/received from many folks in the doing of it.

As a disabled Vet. who has lived on the streets, I also know how the majority of society looks-at/interacts-with said 'Person,' and the differences are profound.

None of that has altered the internal 'Me.'  Who and what 'I' am.  We take lumps, we gotta figure out how to stand up and walk again.  That is our one real duty in Life, after all:  Survive (With your integrity/honor intact!)
11 months, 1 week ago
Thank you for this very well thought out and detailed response and thank you for your service to our country. I don’t often discuss it online but I’m a US Army veteran myself, I’m sure  no one would ever guess from my flowery feel good tales. LOL

Just once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to write back, other than some basic comments, which I really do appreciate as well. “ love the story, very interesting characters”  Etc etc. Getting  more detailed feedback on the characters and world. Really  helps me know what’s getting across, how are people perceiving the story which  helps me continue to refine and improve my storytelling in writing.
11 months, 1 week ago
You're very welcome!

It never ceases to amaze me, though I've only been viewing/chit-chatting with folks here in the Anthro-verse for a scant few years (Going-on,,, three?), just how varied everyone's RL is, but I suppose if I consider it?  We're all 'People' first, with all the backgrounds many thousands will have.  We share some common interests, 'Furry' being one of 'em!

No probs about the interactions with your art/stories, and getting feed back from the folks who enjoy 'em!  As a 'Writer' (If only in my own mind), one thing I truly appreciate is an outside perspective (And the lovely Proof Reading it can offer!), because I'm only the one person/mind, and there are things 'I' think may be obvious, yet are not, to the 'Reader.'

It's a dicey thing to be sure, but the more we do it, hopefully the better we get!

I mostly worry that I'm being a pest to said Writer/Artist, with my long worded replies/comments!
Nice to know I'm not irritating ya!

Also, a hearty handshake to a fellow Vet!   :-)
11 months, 1 week ago
I can’t really speak for other artists or writers, but I personally always enjoy detailed and precise feedback. That is worth its weight in gold for me at least, figuratively speaking. So if you have the time and/or, feel like doing it, please always feel free to leave a comment or if you even have an idea feel free to DM, maybe I’ll turn it into a full story or commission.
10 months, 3 weeks ago

I, us, sorta forgotted to ask YOU a question!  (Could'a SWORE I put it in a 'P.S.' at the bottom of my first reply, and discovered I had not!)...

Her Name?  'Rue?'  From where did you get it?  ;-)  

I'm familiar with the herb, and the 'Definition' of the emotion, but that was one of the very first things that captured my attention with this Character, and then as I've read along with her story/background, has truly enthralled me!

Hope you're farin' well!  We're getting another deluge atm.  I'm damned near ready to build an Ark!  

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh boy that’s a good and hard question to answer, not to say, I don’t know the answer. It’s more along the lines I would hate to seem overly melodramatic or verbose, so I’ll do my best to be succinct as possible.

I often have trouble thinking of names for characters and with this series of stories, I felt it was especially important to have a name that was reflective of the character without being too on the nose. While still having an underlying meaning if a reader was familiar or in the know.

As for Rue I wanted to write a series of stories about a character, that wasn’t idealized as a hero but not necessary a villain either. Someone that either through their own choices, or the circumstances they were dealt, had to walk certain paths that if they knew in advance, what was going to befall them, they may have made other choices. Yet again and again finding themselves walking a tight rope of moral uncertainty. And since i’ve already blown my promise of not being verbose out of the water.

Rue’s name comes from the literal meaning: verb
bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen).
10 months, 3 weeks ago

This is exactly what I had hoped for!

'Regret,' after all, would be a sore Name to carry!

(Well done!  Well done, indeed!!)

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Hehehe glad you like that or put another way. Rue is a dog named regret, which might come back to her relationship with her father. But that is certainly a story for another day….
8 months, 2 weeks ago
i did not understand why did rue piss on herself
8 months, 2 weeks ago
A fair question, Rue wanted to make sure the Duke and his Bucks were focused and or distracted on her scent and not her Knights sneaking around and flanking them. It’s a very natural hard wired instinct for even anthro deer and like species to be very focused on the odor of predators.
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