Well, this will NEVER be properly finished. It was done while I had the biggest health scare of my life late last year. To put it shortly, I was scared of dying.I had the big "C" and I got 15 inches, or 38 centimeters of my lower intestine cut off. It was a very scary time of my life. I have never told anyone online except very close friends about this personal crisis, but what the hell. I drew this on my iPad last December 2022, before being hospitalized for days.
It depicts me, feeling so helpless and anxious and damned scared. Me falling into a hole with no control whatsoever. Yes, my trademark driver's cap flew off my head. I would have really loved to finish this art idea, but I suck as trying to do art. So I gave up. This is the unfinished product. Come to think, I think, this is the last attempt of digital drawing. I totally forgot how to use the Procreate app that I was so wanting to learn.
I had forgotten that I had put up a sketch of this last November. being cryptic about goings on. https://inkbunny.net/s/2866433