Character Sheet for Gonza Castibal
Character Description
A primary and preschool teacher dedicated to her work, to the point that she prefers to cut off any personal relationship that she considers hinders her duty to help the training of children, since she considers that the training of every child in their early years is work most important in the world.
He is kind to everyone, with his students he is very firm with his education and has infinite patience for those children who find it difficult to learn. He is also someone who is wise enough to know when he should intervene in a problem and when he should make the parents calm down take care of the problem.
He likes to calculate taxes, stand in lines, and learn new educational methods that allow him to improve at his job.
She doesn't like apples, parents trying to bribe her, and tuna.
There is not much to say about her story, she comes from a long line of educators in every educational area in the demon realm, being the best of the best, she is not far behind as she works in the most prestigious preschool/elementary school in the world kingdom of demons, every important demon wants her son to have her as a teacher because 99% of her students end up having bright futures.
He has a large family, but he doesn't deal with any of them. He currently only lives with his wife, about whom nothing is known because she never mixes her personal life with her work life.