I saw some character sheets around here and thought :Shucks, I can do that.
So I did.
This is Sparkle, I guess, if she were a DnD character. I suppose. I think I got her stats wrong, cause she's level 14, but those seem awfully low for a level 14 character. Although I don't know proper ratios for such. She's supposed to be legendary, like one of those special characters that you can only get quests from, and can't play? You can't actually fight her, cause she'd beat the crap out of you. She's busted. Major busted. See? Cause she's got a bunch of skills (lots made up, cause I only know bits and pieces about DnD) that she shouldn't have, and she's only level 14. Not to mention her will save. She can shrug off anything magical. she can also cast like, level 20 spells.
Hence, she's legendary.
Although, I imagine if you could defeat her, she'd give like 50000 Experience per party member.
(Hint, in order to do so, you'd have to subdue her with a paddle. ;) )
1 year, 5 months ago
15 Sep 2023 16:50 CEST
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