Character Sheet for Beatrix
Character Description
Beatrix (Mostly known as Trix) is a Goblin girl with a love for experiencing pregnancy. She is a Goblin history buff and fantasizes about the savage Goblins of old.
Trix is very sweet for a Goblin (Though may steal sweatshirts) She also is sometimes hyper.
Despite her love for experiencing pregnancy, she often avoids responsibilities.
She has an interest in her people's history and will sometimes dress in traditional Goblin rags. On occassion she might go into a goth phase. Her favorite drink is root beer.
She dislikes tight clothes, being called "short" and having responsiblities.
Trix exists in a modern fantasy.
Trix is short but average for Goblins. She is 3'5". She has green skin, long type 2 hair, brown eyes, and freckles.
She is often pregnant.
She usually wears normal clothing. But sometimes likes to wear traditional Goblin rags.