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Sinktember 13 - Jet
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Sinktember 2023 14 - Anchor

Sinktember 2023 15 - Lesson

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by lolboy4
Sinktember 2023 10 - Shower
Sinktember 2023 15 - Lesson
Sinktember 13 - Jet
Sinktember 2023 15 - Lesson
"Submerged sniffling"

The lizard's chest jolted back and forth, an inferno raging inside after a 7-minute breath hold. Heavily taped to an anchor deep underwater, he frantically kicked and shook his head, but he soon passed his limit. "SLRP!" With his mouth taped over, his nostrils flared as he gasped through them instead, then coughed the water back out. He couldn't stop himself; another sniff followed, then another cough, and it simply repeated as he finally began to drown.

bondage 72,996, lizard 24,376, underwater 8,880, ambiguous gender 8,574, drowning 3,002, tape 2,163, tape gag 1,090, anchor 113, sinktember2023 30
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 5 months ago
Rating: Mature

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12 months ago
*Glacier the glaceon went on a dive to practice his breath holding a bit, wearing swimming goggles, upon arriving he sees this lizard taped to an anchor! Glacier was shocked at the sight and decided to come immediately to their rescue, despite having been underwater for a while about 4 minutes, his face is red, but he swims over to the stuck lizard to see if he could help them*
12 months ago
(Should he be drowning for this, or do you want this to be taking place a bit before that?)
12 months ago
(Hmmm, a bit before that is fine)
12 months ago
The lizard is struggling in place, frantically kicking as his face is turning blue. He's too caught up in his struggles to notice Glacier yet.
12 months ago
*Glacier tries to get the lizard to calm down and notice him, but there wasn't time, using his paws he carefully peels the tape off the lizard that's around the anchor, then removes the last piece from his mouth*
12 months ago
At first, he thinks he's successfully getting loose by himself, but he quickly realizes Glacier is helping him. When the tape on his mouth is pulled off he loses a few bubbles, and he starts scrambling for the surface, constantly losing air as he nears his limit.
12 months ago
*Glacier follows closely behind, taking their hand and helping them swim faster to the surface, so concerned that the lizard will drown*
12 months ago
As he nears the surface, the lizard's body forces him to suck in, though he swallows the water he takes in. After a second gulp, moments away from starting to truly drown, he surfaces, gasping heavily and panting as he does his best to keep from going back under.
12 months ago
*Glacier gasps for air as well, not as heavily as the lizard tho, and also helps to make sure the lizard doesn't go back under*
"M-my goodness! A-are you alright?!"
12 months ago
"Y-yeah... I-I'm fine..." After a bit of panting, he's able to talk more clearly. "Th-thanks... Got in with some bad people, and they decided to get rid of me..."
12 months ago
*Glacier nuzzles the lizard*
"W-who would do such a thing?! I would destroy them if I saw them myself! I'm so sorry that happened to you..."
12 months ago
The lizard smiles. "It's nice that you're so eager to get revenge for me, but I don't think you should. You'll just end up sunk underwater like I was..."
12 months ago
"..your probably right... ugh... but I swear I would give them a piece of my mind if I saw who ever did this to you!"
12 months ago
"Even that would be nice, and I'd totally do that too. Right now, I want to head back home, I've had enough stress for today..."
12 months ago
"Good plan...you should definitely do that... you look exhausted..."
12 months ago
"I think I can make it on my own, but... Could you come with me? I'm worried they're going to find me and try again, and we'll have a better chance at fighting them off together."
12 months ago
"Yeah of course! I would be happy to... if anyone comes near and touches you I'll freeze them to death!" *Glacier confidently said*
12 months ago
"Hopefully it won't come to that... Just follow me." He swims back to shore with Glacier, and thankfully gets home without issue, sighing in relief when he reaches the door. "Thanks, um... What's your name?"
12 months ago
"Oh, where are my manners, I'm Glacier! Nice to meet you!" *his tail wags happily a bit*
12 months ago
"Thanks so much, Glacier! I'll be fine from here, just need to lay low for a while just in case. I hope we meet up again sometime! In better circumstances, anyway..."
12 months ago
"Me too... and if something happens again, I'll make sure to come protect and save you...i-i promise!"
12 months ago
"Hopefully you won't need to..." The lizard heads inside, looking forward to relaxing after having such a rough day.

(Stopping here?)
12 months ago
*Glacier happily sighs of relief and smiles*
(Eh well... i dont want it to end yet...maybe we could make it so they both end up in trouble from the guys that captured the lizard, then when they break out Glacier finds them and kicks their butts... sorta wanna make this more exciting yknow)
12 months ago
(Yeah, that works)

That night, Glacier and the lizard wake up to find they're somewhere else, seemingly in a boat out on the ocean... And unable to move, each of them tied to an iron ball! "D-damn it, no! Not again!"
12 months ago
"W-wha?! Oh no!! N-not me!! Not me!!!! Ahhhh!!!" *Glacier panics*
12 months ago
The lizard and Glacier hear a third voice. "Yes you, actually. Both of you." A male anthro lion steps into view of them. "About time you woke up, I was considering just having the water take care of that."
12 months ago
*glacier's eyes fill with tears and fear*
"W-what do you want from me?! I haven't done anything to you!! Just leave us alone!!"
12 months ago
Lizard: "Y-you're only here because you helped me. I-I'm sorry I dragged you into this..."

Lion: "He's got it right, glaceon. I was sent to bring that lizard, and the one who helped him, back down into the ocean. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
12 months ago
"Oh come on!!! You can't do this to me!! Please!!! I'm adorable!!" *Glacier does his best cute face, whimpering and crying softly*
12 months ago
Lion: "Then the lizard and the fish will have something nice to look at. I've never really cared."

Lizard: "G-Glacier, you're not gonna get through to him. H-he's the one that sent me down on that anchor." The lizard squirms in his binds as the lion picks up the iron ball, heading toward the side of the boat.
12 months ago
"I'm begging you!! Please don't do this to us!! I'm too young to die!!!" *Glacier whimpers more and cries, tears constantly streaming from his face as he looks at the ocean with lots of worry in his face*
12 months ago
The lion chuckles. "If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that one..." He holds the iron ball over the edge. "Alright, say whatever you want to say to each other, I'll give you that. Not gonna be able to get it out well underwater."

Lizard: "...G-Glacier... I-I'm so sorry... I sort of wish you hadn't found me earlier, n-now we're both doomed..."
12 months ago
"A-all I did was try to help you out of a sticky situation and this is what I get for that?? I-im sorry Mr. Lizard.... I love you!" *Glacier couldn't help but blush shyly after he said I love you, still in tears"
12 months ago
Lizard: "...I-I love you too... A-and, my name is Chris."

Lion: "Pfft, you love him and didn't even know his name until just now?"
12 months ago
*Glacier whimpers helplessly*
"I-i was nice knowing you Chris... i-i hate this situation!!!"
12 months ago
Lion: "Alright, that's about enough. Time for you two to head down. You better not come back up this time." He drops the ball, and Chris and Glacier begin to be quickly pulled toward the edge.
12 months ago
*Glacier yelps but knowing what's coming he takes the biggest breath of air he could, holding it in fearfully*
12 months ago
Chris gasps a breath and holds it just as he and Glacier are pulled over the edge and into the water. They both rapidly sink, the surface growing more and more distant.
12 months ago
*glacier's crying is now muffled, looking at Chris with a sad expression as they sink deeper and deeper together*
12 months ago
Chris does his best to hug Glacier even with his arms tied, essentially just leaning against them. Before too much longer, there's a dull thud as the ball hits the seabed, the descent stopping. Above, the two can see the boat leaving.
12 months ago
*since Glacier wasn't wearing goggles when the lion found him he doesn't have his on, so his eyes start stinging and he shifts uncomfortablely... leaning back against Chris as his paws are tied, he closes his eyes as bubbles escape his nose and mouth, whimpering more*
12 months ago
Unwilling to just give up, Chris pulls his end of the rope as hard as he can, hoping that if Glacier does the same it'll tear.
12 months ago
*opening his eyes slightly he can see what Chris is trying to do, wanting nothing more then being bound here and drowning, Glacier pulls the other end of his rope as hard as he can, which shockingly seems like it's gonna snap!*
12 months ago
With such an extreme amount of force, the rope starts to tear... And it breaks! Chris and Glacier are both sent backward from the sudden freedom, though they still each have their limbs tied.
12 months ago
*Glacier nearly gasps in shock as the rope breaks, but now there's a new problem, now that they are free their limbs are still tied up, however, Glacier finds a sharp enough rock nearby, letting his body sink down and with enough aim, he managed to break apart his binds and set his limbs free! Then he unties Chris as his face starts to turn red*
12 months ago
Chris smiles as he's freed, but all the fear up to this point had been quickly using up his oxygen and he's in about the same state as Glacier. He starts swimming up with them, hoping they'll both be able to make it in time.
12 months ago
*luckily, they both can swim pretty fast, so it didn't take overly long for them to get up there, Glacier gasping in the fresh air and smiling happily*
"W-we made out alive!! Omg!!"
12 months ago
After a moment of heavy breathing, Chris looks at Glacier. "Th-they're not getting away with it this time. We're gonna go back to shore and kick their asses."
12 months ago
*Glacier looks back at Chris with an angry face and growls*
"You said it Chris! Let's do it! I don't care anymore! They are gonna get now!"
12 months ago
"You're able to freeze stuff, right? Do you think you'd be able to make me some kind of weapon out of water? I want in on this, too." Chris starts swimming back to shore with Glacier.
12 months ago
"Hehehe!! Absolutely buddy! I got you!" *using his back legs to swim towards shore Glacier uses his front legs to create a weapon with the water, then freezes it, forming a really awesome and effective weapon* "There you go! It's even got ammo in it..." *he hands it to Chris*
12 months ago
"Wait, ammo? Is this a gun? I was expecting like, a sword or something, but... Wow. This is gonna work great!"
12 months ago
"Well I thought you could look cooler holding this so there you are! Hehe... I'll be very effective!" *we finally reach the shore and step onto the sand* "Now we gotta find this sucker and teach him a valuable lesson! >:)"
12 months ago
"For sure. That lion guy's going first." After a moment to familiarize himself with how to hold the ice gun, Chris sees the boat fairly nearby and starts heading toward it with Glacier to get revenge.

(Can we stop here? I don't really want to write violence)
12 months ago
"Revenge will be ours!"
(I don't either... so yeah that's perfectly fine)
12 months ago
(That ice gun was a clever idea! Like I had Chris say, I really was expecting a melee weapon)
12 months ago
(Heh, well... I just thought I make it interesting... glad you thought it was clever, I enjoyed the rp too ^^)
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