Re-uploading the stuff Rawr/Arin had done for me over the years. This will be a long ongoing process while l I upload other stuff in between.
From January 2008: Rawr did this in a recent OpenCanvas session. Kendall is always tormenting Rawr and his inflatable friends, but now that he's been turned into one he is now sweating as he will now be on the receiving end for the kind of abuse hes been doing to them! Wonder where the valve is...
I don't know, never seen it. In this pic's case, its referring to where the valve is located on him as he is a pooltoy that needs to be inflated by the valve.. (It was a joke its in his crotch area, making the person have to be between his legs to blow into it.)
I don't know, never seen it. In this pic's case, its referring to where the valve is located on him