Most chill reaction you'll ever expect from a popular teen girl. I have not met irl american cheerleaders, but I know how teen girls in other side of the world behaves, experienced it on my own skin as a kid, and it was brutal... Yeah, something wrong with thus cheerleader, she's too chill and nice. XD
Most chill reaction you'll ever expect from a popular teen girl. I have not met irl american cheerle
You're lucky. The American cheerleader suburbanite princess clique is distilled essence of cancer.
But to be fair, girls are pretty much the same everywhere. Japanese schoolgirl cliques are just as mean and catty, so are Thai, Argentinian, Uruguayan, English, Canadian and Brazilian, in my experience from the countries I've personally lived in.
But I'm not complaining. I'll take this comic over dealing with real-life cliques any day. Awesome story so far.
You're lucky. The American cheerleader suburbanite princess clique is distilled essence of cancer.
This cheerleader is more understanding and kind than the vast majority of people I knew back in actual real-life high school, and I wish the best for her and her clique.
This cheerleader is more understanding and kind than the vast majority of people I knew back in actu