Anthonitecus and Astraligor we're at the Animator Pals Araguania HQ when they recieved an villain alert, it was Alvorossi, one of the most mocking baddies they ever fought, the threatometer says it's an astraligor to aventurion level meanace so it's a mid to almost high diff cuz he can cause confusion in certain things, weapons and mostly abillites, then anton screamed "ANIMATOR PALS, AHEAD TO ATTACK!!!" and rushed to the combat arena. Alvorossi is doing major damage across Araguania Square by turning poles into tentacles, hydrants shooting fire and it's full chaos, luckily anthonitecus and astraligor are here to stop this villain saying to him "alright alvorossi, hold it right there and we won't let you thight", "oh no astraligor, you're the ones who are leting your pants fall CRAZY CLOUT!!" yelled alvorossi shouting his special abillity into anton and astraligor's pants "is that what you go-", "d-dad our pants fell down and we're on live", "huh? *both realized their pants fell down* GAAAAH!" screamed both anton and the foxboy as they're getting humiliated on live, alvorossi sees this as an win and said to the pantsed wolf fox duo that eygolord will laugh as he makes them fail and fail again thanks to his powers, astraligor thinks they should surrender to eygolord but anthonitecus even naked attacked the bad guy without hesitation and uses his belt to tie up the villain and uses their pants to wrap him even more, making alvorossi lose the fight. after the battle, anthonitecus and astraligor are not humiliated anymore as they gained free pizza thanks to anton and his son's genius idea to capture a villain, back at the HQ the rest of the pals we're impressed by anton's quick move and next time they should use suspenders to not get their pants keep falling down, everyone laughted at anton's joke and they had an wacky battle which anton and astraligor never forget.
============================================================================== anyway, i was bored then i drew anton and astraligor having their pants keep falling down, i hope you liked it. also don't worry because i didn't draw any winkies, so it's a SFW artwork