HEY PEEPERS! It was a very exhausting break, but I think we're getting all caught up. House is 60% cleaner, we only have 2 rooms left to majorly declutter and clean up. This be slowly happen over the next month or so. Already making us feel so much better in our home!
I got my root canal completed and finally installed my permeant crown on my problem tooth! But we have about 5 more problem fillings that need to be replaced ASAP or else those teeth will fracture and need the whole root canal + crown treatments like my first two. Shivers... absolutely NO THANK YOU. I've already scheduled the next dentist appointment to get started on that.
Our health insurance is giving us a lot of run around about which providers we can visit and at the end of nearly 50 or more calls we think we can actually continue to see my current doctor. So we'll have to make more appointments with them to get medication renewed and adjusted since I'm still 100% off everything at the moment and it is stressfulllllllllllllllll.
Speaking of stressful, we also had a couple of health scares with our oldest dog Ollie (Apollo), turns out he does have a heart condition that was causing some severe coughing fits. He has been tested and the we have a treatment plan to follow up on. At this time we think he has a the potential to make a full recovery! So fingers crossed our old boy continues to recover. His energy is back 100% so he must be feeling better already. ;v; (I swear this part took up most of the month.)
After doing so much offline... I can safely say now I want a break from all of that. Let me just live as an online digital person for a week or two, haha.
The only item on our to do list that wasn't happened was mailing out July reward packages. These mail out rewards will be bundled into your September rewards so when you get your package early this month you should have rewards from both months!
Just happy to finally feel like I'm no longer miles and miles behind on everything I needed to do.
I have a couple of owed art commissions left from my pile and then I might consider opening for more! For now let's just enjoy the doodle ride~
Thank you everyone for all of your patience while we get our lives a little more organized. I really appreciate all the support and cheering on you all had to offer. Thank you SO much!!