Simba and Nala had tumbled down an embankment in their play tackling before a loud geyser nearly scared their tails off. The lion cub leapt up to their paws and let their jaws hang open when the mists cleared up. Just beyond the geysers was a ridge where a pair of tusks jutted out over the edge. Simba was the first to move forward and let a big smile stretch on his face while Nala followed with a more cautious expression. They walked up together up the ledge in awe.
"This is it," Simba told Nala in a hushed voice of disbelief. There, right before them, was a large elephant skull from days long past looming over them like an real ghost come to haunt them. Nala's initial fear soon gave way to the same boyish fascination as Simba's the more she saw the macabre. "What's that over there?" the lioness cub asked when she looked over the right tusk. Her best friend joined her in walking up and lifting their upper bodies to see over the bone.
"Whoa..." Simba and Nala spoke together while exchanging expressions of amazement. It truly was an elephant graveyard with bones blanketing the land as far as they could see. Mist obscured part of the area, tickling the cubs' imagination of what else could be there. "It's really creepy..." Nala whispered in awe. "Yeah," Simba agreed with the same tone before perking up in a burst of excitement. "Ain't it great?" Making his discovery felt a more amazing with her around.
"We could get in big trouble," Nala sassily snickered, vibing with Simba. "I know," her best friend replied with near glee. "When Zazu blabs to dad, our butts'll be red and throbbing for months." The mental image made Nala snort and snicker in such a charming way. "So let's make the most of this place before facing the gallows, shall we?" The lioness cub got down from the tusk with Simba to share her sassy look in the eye. "Princes first, your highness." She couldn't resist.
"I wonder if its brains are still in there," Nala postured excitedly. She followed Simba towards the entrance of the skull's hollow cavern, eager for all sorts of grossness. "Only one way to find out," Nala heard her best friend declare before something strange caught her attention in the corner of her eye. She turned her head towards the left tusk on her right and got sight of what seemed like a rather large snake's head. However, the cub didn't get time to gasp in surprise.
Nala's mouth went agape in a sense of curiosity when she saw the python's eyes produce glowing rings of color. The pattern they made was rhythmic. Yellow. Green. Blue. Yellow. Green. Blue. Yellow. Green. Blue. Nala couldn't help but walk off from Simba and slowly made her way for the radiant rainbow. They were so... beautiful. Just looking at them gave her a tingling sensation of bliss that grew the closer she got. The lioness cub felt the urging need to have more of this.
A smiled curled across Nala's lips while she stepped closer and closer to the python's head. Her eyes were so locked onto the hypnotic colors that her eyes began to reflect the phenomenon. Nala's pupils dilated before a series of colorful rings flooded her eyes and tinted her vision to see everything through this new lens. The lioness cub felt the world around her vanish the more she indulged in the pure bliss that the python promised her. It was just the two of them.
"Sssssay now..." the rock python hissed haughtily, slithering his head over the big tusk to meet his prey face to face, "what have we hear...?"
"Aw, sick!" Simba exclaimed with both delight and disgust. His night vision let him look up into the large skull and see the rotted brain that remained. His nose also let him get a whiff of what remained and groan in boyish amusement. "Yo, Nala!" the prince called to his friend. "You seeing this?" However, he found the lioness cub was nowhere near him when he turned himself around to look. A look of fear began to form on his face when it seemed like she just... disappeared.
"Nala?" Simba called out once again while stepping out from the skull. "I know you're waiting to pin me again." He tried to sound more annoyed than scared to... little avail. "Joke's over, funny girl." Simba gulped when his ears couldn't pick up so much as a stifled giggle or the pitter-patter of Nala's paw-steps. He starts to fear something's happened when he spots a glimpse of her cream-colored fur. The mist rose enough from the left tusk to show the back of her head.
"Nala!" Simba cried out in relief before scurrying on ahead towards the left tusk. He leapt onto the bone before jumping off onto the other side behind Nala. "Nice try with the scare," he asserted, hoping to sound more cocksure again. "Shame you suck at hide and seek." The lion cub waited for Nala to go "awww," over her foiled prank but found his best friend still sitting upright without so much as twitching. "Nala?" he asked after a few seconds. Something was not right.
Simba walked up to Nala from her right and turned around to discover that something wasn't just "not right." He found his best friend was as still as a statue with her straighten posture, the kind that his parent told him to perfect during royal events. His eyes traveled up to her face to discover the most uncanny sort of smile stretched across her lips from cheek to cheek. It was so wide and silly yet Nala kept it up without even faltering. Yet all paled in comparison to her eyes.
Simba was both confused and creeped out by the colorful rings that poured out from Nala's eyes. It was like somebody spilled fruit juices into them. The most unsettling part was how wide they were without a single blink. Not even a quiver from any of her eyelids. Simba felt his dread grow by the second when he waved his right fore-paw in front of Nala's face to get some kind of reaction. Nothing. It was like tar was all over her brain and slowing it to a crawl if not a stop.
"Who did this to you?" Simba whispered in horror, growing scared for Nala's condition. "Ssssure you wissssh to find out, your highnessss," a voice hissed from behind the lion cub. Simba felt shivers sent down his spine before he sprung around and tried to make out who said that in all the mist. It cleared just as a large brown-scaled python slithered slowly into view. If Simba was scared before, he was practically petrified now. It was huge enough to swallow him entirely.
"Her sssssmile isssss a 'Kaa Original' from your'sssss truly," the rock python, Kaa, declared with egotistical pride. "No matter how many timessss I sssssee it, the sssssilly thing isssss too adorable for wordsssss." He snickered while Simba back away just next to Nala and tried to put on a brave-ish face. "Leave her alone!" he declared while trying to bare his teeth. "Whatever you've done to her, undo it now." The python snickered at the cub's adorable attempt at heroism.
The prospect of a python eating him was bad enough for Simba. He was the lion, a king in the making. Getting swallowed alive like some common prey was wounding his pride already. However, Simba's thoughts were more about Nala being stuck in this strange state and how he could've dragged his best friend into certain death. The images of Kaa just swallowing her up were too vivid when they played in her mind. If it'd come to it, he would offer himself in her place.
"No need to get your fur in a knot, kitty cat," Kaa cooed with condescension towards Simba, moving his head down to the cub's level. "I ssssaw to it your Nala won't rissssk becoming collateral damage during my... sssservicccccessss." He was eager to have fun with his newest mark when he saw the lion cub's sorry excuse for a brave front falter. "Perhapssss you will feel more at eassssse with a tiny... demonsssstratiiiion." The rock python flickered his tongue for taste test.
Simba thought himself ready for whatever Kaa might attempt only to be caught off guard by his eyes. They suddenly overflowed with rings of color that would glow in the fairly dim elephant graveyard. Yellow. Green. Blue. Yellow. Green. Blue. The exact same colors to the exact same rhythm that had flooded Nala's eyes. Simba's initial surprise over this discovery gave way to a feeling of fascination over this phenomenon. In fact, he began to feel more at ease. Happy even.
Simba's mouth hung open while his vision became tinted by Kaa's rainbow radiance the more he kept up eye contact. In fact, Kaa saw the lion cub's eyes becoming flooded by the same glowing colors beat for beat. The prince couldn't pull his eyes away when he felt a blissful sensation fill his body from his eyes down. He felt... at peace more and more by the second. The feelings of dread and imminent danger were becoming... alleviated. The lion cub was... enjoying it.
"N-n-no..." Simba begged weakily, his brow knitting. "P... p... please..." He quickly realized that the snake was hypnotizing him just like he had with Nala. Simba panted in his effort to resist but found his face turning bac toward Kaa every time he tried to pull away. A part of Simba... wanted this. To escape the horror of his current situation. Yet he knew that both he and Nala were doomed if he succumbed to Kaa's silent yet tempting offer. The lion cub knew he had to snap free.
"He wassssn't joking about your tenacccccity," Kaa hissed with delight in his voice, amused by Simba's resistance. "I can feel how you're trying sssso hard jussst for the ssssake of your preccccioussss Nala." He slowly slithered his tail up to the lion cub from behind him in stealthy silence. "I have a ssssoft sssspot for cute little kittensssss like you ssssso I try to be gentle if need be." The rock python even influenced the prince to only sit down from his hypnotic weariness.
Simba suddenly felt something scaly slither around his sitting paws and butt. "Nothing to fear, your highnessss," Kaa promised while slowly wrapping a cocoon of coils around the prince's torso and pinning the fore-arms to the stomach. "I'll sssssend you off with a ssssmile." "Nnnn..." Simba struggled to get out with what resistance he could cling to. "N-Na..." He felt the coils slithering up to his shoulders fast while the hypnotic gaze slowed his thoughts to a borderline crawl.
"Na... la-URK!" Simba managed to weakly croak out before a coil slithered around his neck and gave a tight tug. The sudden cut-off from his air intake threatened to throw off his resistance but the prince clung to a sliver of his will. Even so, the most breathing he could do were small wheezes with the grip around his throat. Mixed in with multiple coils squeezing his body painfully meant that Kaa could kill him easily. Yet the prince could tell nothing would be easy.
Kaa enjoyed the classic picture: a lion cub's head atop of a cocoon of his coils while going red in the face from the lack of air. The rock python could see that Simba was still trying to hold on and not succumb but didn't mind the wait. The more the cub was strangled, the more lightheaded he would become. The more lightheaded he would become, the more lasting his hypnosis would be. That said, the sadistic snake was ever more intrigued by the prince's lingering willpower.
"Ssssso you choossssse to challenge my hypnotic power, do you?" Kaa hissed, smirking with a most devious idea in mind. "I never imagine a cub would've thisssss kind of mental fortitude but love makesssss ussss do the imposssssible, doessssn't it?" He enjoyed the expression of helplessness on Simba's face from his gaping mouth to his unblinking eyes glowing with his colors. The prince seemed determined to endure the choke-hold to his throat and his own brain.
"Let'sssss make a game of thisssss," Kaa proposed, maintaining eye contact with Simba. "You kittenssss love gamesssss, don't you?" The lion cub let out a begging wheeze that sounds like a strained "Please..." that the python delighted in. "But of coursssssse, you do," he snickered like a father spoiling his child. "I'm going to ssssing a bounccccy little tune while my grip around you tightensssss with each line." The snake could feel a twinge of horror in the kitten's heart.
"If you can withssssstand my growing grip by the end of my sssssong, you win," Kaa went on while slowly tightening said grip to make his point. "I'll ssssset you free and won't sssso much assss lick you." He flickered his tongue across Simba's nose if only to taunt his prey. "Ssssshould you lossssse, a new lion cub will be ssssspirited away and become my nexxxxt meal." The rock python was most entertained with his prey's best efforts to keep his lips curling into a smile.
Kaa then turned his gaze back to Nala who had been viewing Simba's constriction under blissful hypnosis. "Do feel free to groove to the beat, kitten," he instructed the puppet of a lioness cub, finding her hyperfixated smile too adorable for words. "Imagine the mossssst funky musssssic to my wordssss," Kaa ordered Nala further before slithering back to his eye contact with Simba. "Ready when you are." On this cue, the music began to play in the lioness cub's head.
"I can ssssssliiiiide..."
Simba hacked and gasped upon feeling the coils tighten their grip around him, cutting off more of his air.
"I can ssssswiiiiirl..."
The grip grew tighter the more Kaa drew out the lyrics.
"I can twissssst..."
Simba could feel the tempting tug of the hypnotic gaze grow stronger over him the more lightheaded the lack of circulation caused.
"And I can twiiiiiirl..."
While Simba's throat got the worst of it, he could feel his entire body being all pressed together tightly before Kaa loosened its slightly.
"I can sssslitherrrrrrr..."
Kaa relished how Simba desperately gasped for air when he slowly squeezed harder once more, a red hue growing more vivid with each squeeze.
"Sssssmooth and ssssslow..."
Kaa especially hoped to humiliate Simba as yet another egotistical lion that believed themselves inherently better, loosening and tightening with more sadism.
"You will sssssee..."
Kaa only wished that he could listen to Simba plead for mercy or to just eat him already. A lion prince debasing himself would be a dream.
"Jussssst what I ssssshow..."
Kaa was particularly slow with this squeeze while drawing out this lyric so he could push Simba to his limit, the red hue mixing with violet.
"I am iiiiinnnnn theeeee moooooood..."
Simba felt how Kaa's puntuate those three drawn-out words by way of how he tightened the coil around his neck three times sharply.
"...to play with my foooooood."
Kaa moved in his head closer to put his smug expression all up in Simba's face while giving another big squeeze.
While Simba suffered in Kaa's merciless grip, Nala saw it all with a smile still stretched across her face. The music she heard along with the snake's lyrics was catchy enough for her her to swing her head from side to side to the imaginary beat. Her forepaws remained on the ground while her hind paws tapped to the tune one at a time along with her head sway. Simba's choking was filtered through Nala's blissful gaze as a fun game. Just two boys trying to outdo each other.
"Sssssecond verssssse coming up," Kaa told Simba while allowing him to wheeze in air. "Do try to make it lassssst." It'd be no fun if he lost this quickly.
"IIIII have ssssspark..."
Simba wheezed once more when the constricting coils forced more air out of his lungs.
"IIII have charm..."
Simba felt his weary mind actually contemplating surrendering to Kaa when his throat was slowly crushed.
"I know paiiiiiinlesssss..."
The malicious sadism in Kaa's expression made Simba's blood run cold while it's circulation was cut off in another squeeze.
"...wayssssss to harm..."
Kaa indeed smiled over how Simba was hanging in there under the delusion that he'd be the one to triumph over him.
"Look right innnnnn... to my eyessssss..."
Simba felt Kaa's hypnotic gaze imbuing him with more pure bliss into his heart by the second. It felt too good not to crack a little smile.
"Let yourssssself... be hypnotizzzzzzed..."
Simba urged himself to hold out just a little bit longer but couldn't help it. Kaa's colorful eyes would slowly dulled the pain each time he was crushed.
"IIII am innnnnn theeeee mooooood..."
Simba contemplated the notion that Kaa really would leave Nala alone as he promised. He could've eaten her anytime.
"...to play with my fooooooood..."
Simba's lips quivered as he tried to resist cracking a smile. His eyelid made meager twitches in an attempt to close them. However...
Kaa laughed maniacally with the utmost satisfaction when he felt the bend becoming the break. Simba's mouth had instantly sported his silliest smile signature of every victim of the rock python. His eyes were stuck open with the colors of Kaa's rainbow radiance flooding the pair, never blinking even a little. The snake loosened his grip to allow the bliss to fully submerge his spirit while massaging Simba with his coils more gently. A meager consolation prize for the tragic prince.
"Even my adult prey never managed to lassssst the firssssst versssse," Kaa complimented to the unresponsive Simba. All the lion cub did was stare and smile in his state of pure bliss. "You truly earned my resssspect, Princccce Sssssimba." He glanced over towards Nala who had stopped dancing and resumed standing up straight at attention. "I sssshall ssssee to it that your beloved will be left well enough alone." The rock python took in his prey's face one last time.
"But firssssst..." Kaa slowly spoke to whet his appetite more, "I ssssshall ssssavor your flavor in honor of your effortssss." He smirked at Simba before slowly widening his maw and exposing his deep gullet. The rock python's rank breath exhaled upon the lion cub and didn't get so much as a "Eeeee-yuck!" from the blissed boy. The cocoon of coils that held Simba lifted him up while Kaa brought his maw down upon his prey's furry face. It took little effort to engulf his head.
Simba felt the coils around him loosen up to the point that he barely felt a grip at all. He also found himself being pulled into Kaa's throat by his strong swallows. It would've been far more in-character of Simba to grit his teeth and wriggle around in an effort to get loose but he wasn't "in-character." Not anymore. His brain soaked in bliss, the prince of the Pride Lands was all too happy to let himself feed Kaa. Nothing else mattered except that he was at
Simba's fore-arms were pinned to his belly by Kaa's lower jaw when he slowly swallowed up his torso. His hind legs dangled below his butt and tail when the snake slowed down for more strong swallowing. Kaa then engulfed both of Simba's thighs and let his hind paws hang from his maw below his tail. Nala bore witness to her best friend becoming snake food with an unblinking gaze and a smile. She'd felt nothing but happiness when the paws were swallowed whole.
Kaa gave one last swallow to let his esophagus pull Simba down towards his stomach slow. He sighed in satisfaction before a slow, sassy clapping caught his attention and put a snickering grin on his face. "I take it you enjoyed the ssssshow," Kaa hissed while turning towards a thick plume of steam to his right. Scar skulked out from his cover and strolled up towards the snake with a smirk on his face. He knew he would get what he bargained for but nothing so spectacular.
"The singing was a bit cheesy for my tastes," Scar cheekily criticized, "but how you'd made that little brat suffer with it was priceless." He passed Kaa's head and snickered ever so evilly at the bulge slowly sliding down towards the snake's stomach. "My rise to the throne got complicated when you spawned but look at you now," Scar gloated up close to the lump Simba was in. "Little more than a midday snack." He looked on as his nephew slipped into the belly of the beast.
"He put up almossssst assss much of a fight asss your brother did at his age," Kaa chimed in with a snigger, bringing his head up to Scar's. "Personally, I was rather jealous of how hard you squeezed him," the future king-in-waiting remarked with a flirty tone towards the rock python. "You never seemed to be that rough during our... get-together." Kaa shot Scar an equally sassy smirk back. "I'll bear that in mind, kitten." They shared a rather light-hearted chortle together.
"Now what about our little damsssssel in dissssstressssss?" Kaa slyly questioned, turning his head towards Nala. "Asssss a professsssional, I prefer to not leave any loossssse endsssss." Scar strolled over towards the lioness cub and devilishly delighted in her unblinking stare beneath her stretched out smile. "I hadn't fully accounted for presence here until now," he began while grabbing the girl by the chin and smooshing her cheeks playfully. She'd barely registered it.
"Perhapsssss the future king could do with a queen?" Kaa suggested suggestively. "Mayhaps," Scar considered while squishing both of Nala's chubby cheeks with both of his paws. "She'll certainly grow up to be a beautiful lioness." He then proceeded to pet the cub on the head. "However, even I have to admit that they're no replacement for Simba." His smirk grew more evil by the second when another idea slipped into his skull. "She would miss her sweetheart so dearly."
Kaa slithered over to Scar's side and got a good look at his face. "I know that ssssscheming sssssmugnessssss," the rock python remarked sassily to his partner in crime. "You jussssst thought of a way to kill two birdssss with one sssstone, didn't you?" Scar raised his eyebrow flirtatiously back at Kaa. "Just a little plot I had in my back pocket for the hyenas to pull off but I think your services may be further required." He gazed back at his nephew's love with little pity.
Nala blinked in confusion when she found herself in a completely different location. It had felt like she was at the Elephant Graveyard following Simba into the giant skull just a second ago. Yet when the lioness cub looked around, she could only find herself within a gorge with rocky cliffs surrounding her on both sides. Nala stepped out of the shade of a lonely tree to see if she was hallucinating or dreaming or to at least seek Simba. Yet deafening silence was all she'd receive.
"Okay... nothing to worry about..." Nala gulped anxiously while worrying her head off. "I just... teleported... well across the Pride Lands." She desperately tried to rationalize what would've otherwise been really awesome. "I'll just head back home and give Simba a mean pounce for this prank." Nala nervously laughed in trying to pretend it really was one big joke. The truth was that she knew that her best friend would never even be able to attempt this nor be this ambitious.
Nala tried to keep calm and find a way out of the deep gorge when she saw many of the stones starting to tremble. Her ears picked up on distant rumbling while her paws felt the ground itself slowly vibrating. Nala's underlying dread was tempered by her strong curiosity until she looked up behind her. She could see what appeared to be a massive herd of wildebeests cascading down into the gorge far into the distance. They reached the bottom... heading right for her.
Nala's jaw stretch open almost as wide as her eyes when her blood ran cold with pure, unfiltered dread. She was paralyzed with only the vibrating ground giving her any feeling in her state of shock. It wasn't until they were but a stone's throw away from her that Nala turned tail and ran for her life. Her legs ran fast like her life depended on it. Mainly because it did. Nala glanced back in her shock to find many wildebeests on her tail. A misstep would leave her trampled.
"SIMBA, HELP ME PLEASE!" Nala cried desperately over and over. She never noticed the glowing, colorful look in some of the wildebeest's eyes around her.
lion king
lion cub
jungle book
lioness cub
hypnotized girl
kaa eyes
boa constrictor
1 year, 6 months ago
30 Aug 2023 03:46 CEST
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