Before you take your New Rescue/Explorer on their first mission, its important to gear them up for their first adventure. So that's why we present to you: "Baby's First Adventure Kit!™"
We have our lovely Skitty here Viviky to test out this new set to show how it looks! As you see, she has a Diaper to help prevent accidents and not have to worry about breaks, a Bonnet to protect the little one's head from the sun rays, a bib to make sure they keep tidy and clean when eating juicy berries, booties to help prevent their paws from getting sore from walking for a while, a Small pouch to carry their supplies (and their Baba encase they get thirsty), and a Harness with a leash so the leader of the team can make sure they don't wander away from the team! And to keep them calm on their first mission, it come with a pacifier for them to suckle to sooth them and show off what Rank they Are. (Currently Rank Baby)
Now, they do come in different sizes for all Pokemon. Though we ran out of Skitty Kits, so we're just using some Mightyena size diapers from the Mightyena Pup's First Adventure Kit™ till then. (She'll need them anyways.)