I needed to take some time and really do a decent piece to proove to myself that I am, in fact, a decent artist. I've spent my whole art career focusing too much on volumn and not on quality. Thus I drew this. I changed my approach with this one, first by upping the canvas to 6000x6000 as a base, which I think helped a lot, and by telling myself that it would take as long as it takes (which turned out to be 10 hours). I'm happy with the base pose and especially happy with how well her boots cam out.
Slowly going to change my workflow so that I can create better art, like switching to SAI 2, doing more exercises, doing a series of master studies of Gil Elvgren, and focusing more on the 'Fanny Fennec' and 'Skateland' series. Two things I really want to work on are my rendering techniques and my sketching, especially as I feel my poses are too stiff and not nearly as loose as I want them to be.
You guys have no idea how much joy it brings me drawing this smug little so-and-so and I can't wait to draw more of her as I have biig plans for her and her friends.
1 year, 6 months ago
26 Aug 2023 19:59 CEST
Initial: 3f5dc18d7fa598625bee6ea6d655db09
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