listen Aynet, another HIPPO violation and you'll lose your medical license! Take this seriously!
Also! I just kicked off a little ych over at ye olde discorde, so allow me to take this moment to shill our server for a sec uwu It's a chill place for chatting and shitposting, or just lurking if that is your preferred method of socializing~
red clothes and hair net means they're medical personnel: red clothes = they look cleaner as blood is easier covered hair nets + head cover = keeps hair (and some fur) from falling into any potential wounds short sleeves = easier to keep hands and arms clean
body cleanup crew wears green and has face covering to protect from spreadable diseases and stench ;3
red clothes and hair net means they're medical personnel: red clothes = they look cleaner as blood i
Medic:"Und zat is how I lost my medical where were ze?" Heavy:"Err...should I be awake for this? Doctor?" Medic" But az long az you do, can you hold your rib cage for me a bit..."
Medic:"Und zat is how I lost my medical where were ze?" Heavy:"Err...should I be awake
Ohhhh the suspense from that last panel. I want to know what is behind the curtain.
And I am surprised that Esther does not know what a personal healer is. O_o but then again I guess that is no surprise, she was so close to all the healers.
Ohhhh the suspense from that last panel. I want to know what is behind the curtain. And I am surpr
it's actually a new concept to her, as there are no general practitioners among the fennec medics; there are only healers (tend to the common folk) and royal healers/chief healers (tend to the nobles and royal family). Family docs aren't a thing... yet ;3
hehe~ it's actually a new concept to her, as there are no general practitioners among the fennec me