Lovin' the way you capture the utter story driven randomness that is Houspets....though I think after all this god stuff, Miles might get what he wants since it looks like Jata is finna leave and never talk to Rock again after this
Lovin' the way you capture the utter story driven randomness that is Houspets....though I think afte
Thanks, I definitely wanted to make it crazy. Jata is with Deev, not Rock, and he's just a little traumatized at the moment, it wouldn't make them break up.
Thanks, I definitely wanted to make it crazy. Jata is with Deev, not Rock, and he's just a little tr
It was a thing in the comic that the kits get babysat and the wolves sometimes take part. I made both Rock and North answer the door on separate occasions to show the reason why the kits like North. North plays along with them without patronizing(P5 + 6), basically he "gets" them. Meanwhile Rock makes fun of them for being gimped gods(P10).
It was a thing in the comic that the kits get babysat and the wolves sometimes take part. I made bot