Backstory(rough): Chakat Jaggerfrost used to be a human male but transformed to a chakat using the Chakat Oceanwalker's process(using a Transporter to move mind and body to a new body). Shi transformed into a chakat that's still at the beginning of the adult stage so shi would have a full and long life.
Hir talents that developed with hir are E4.1, T4 and K4.5. Shi was unaware of the Telekinesis and Telepathy until a month later from an accident from too many voices in hir head causing explosion of force from hir body using Telekinesis. see Talents for info on talent powers.
Jaggerfrost loves hanging out with hir new friends unafraid of hir new self. Shi holds a job in upkeep of intercommunication infrastructures in the coldest parts of Chakona and nearby planets due to hir Snow Leopard subspecies and an additional gene from Stellar Foxtaurs. Able to resist cold temperatures down to around -69°C ± 10°C before shi needs any type of clothing to keep hir warm. But shi has never tested the coldest temperature yet.
Side note: Shi also is able to eat other creatures easily, body is able to stretch to accommodate creatures of equal size but shi has never tested any bigger yet. Shi never digests and passes everyone through hir body. Always keeps pills to prevent any digestion of anyone shi eats but does have some control over functions but ultimately always takes the pills
Will never eat anyone without permission, unless they deserve it!
Ahhh! I really put my heart into creating hir. Jaggerfrost is another part of me.
Edit: added a collar 07/13 and it looks fantastic! Edit 2: added stellar foxtaur gene for additional cold reason. Snow leopards naturally can withstand down to -40°C! Edit 3: updated colors to include secondary rosette color and additional color descriptions