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DanadrielsLair's Gallery (80)

Confessions of a doomed child killer

Somewhere in a distant village

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CONTENT WARNING: the following story as you may imagine contains a lot of infanticide, read at your own discretion! But for inkbunny standards is probably really tame

"I almost died today, of all my slips in the battlefield this one takes the prize, I almost got crushed by a massive necromutant, my leg is still badly injured from the bone spikes that creature me impaled with,I'm only alive because Felix saved my hide once again, the nurse said I will get fully healed in like two weeks so its fine...this near death experience left me worried, I fell like I will die here inevitably, so before it happens I want to share a terrible secret about me...but listen, I need you to be open hearted and open minded about it, it will sound bad but I swear to you I'm not a monster, deep down there I'm a good hearted person that was forced to take moraly grey actions.

After that strange experience I told about, the moment in the labyrinth where I consumed the soul of that newborn alien child...I changed, my body changed, and I'm not talking about the mommy milkers! haha...I began to feel a hunger like no other, a hunger for the essence of life...a hunger for souls, and believe me I tried everything I could to apease in non harmful ways but its too powerful, each day that passed I felt weaker and weaker, I could feel I would wither away eventually, I needed that sustenance back...I needed that flavour back...my delirant mind began to wonder about ridiculously impractical plans in how to get a victim, I was so starved I was considering drugging another classmate for that, but I would get caught in no time, around this time I finnaly got a permission to wander outside the college during my free time, so many intersting places to see and neat shops to visit, in the first day I explored everything my tired body allowed to, during my urban exploration I had to stop in a cafe to rest and eat a little, while I was enjoying a bit of cofee with cake I noticed the ridiculous ammout of urchins all over the street, the waiter told the heart of the city had many of these homeless kids trying to make a living doing small jobs for the shop owners and people of the city's center, delivery boys, paperboys, chiminey cleaners, shoe shinners and so on, all of them working hard to survive,according to the waiter many of them are orphans and refugees of the endless war against the undead, they are all subject to the abuses of their bosses and the apathy of the authorities everyday, so much so that many die during each winter, it was heartwrenching to hear that...but filled my mind with dark ideas.

I tried to resist the idea but my body was eating itself from the inside out the pain was unbearable!, I needed essence and I needed it urgently! I used the cafe is my staging ground, for some days I kept my eyes in the urchins to found the most vulnerable target, the perfect candidate was a shoe shinner who worked everyday in front of a nearby barber shop, a 7 year old boy named Gary, every end of the day after packing his things he would spent some time staring the sweet shop at the other side of the street, dreaming about the bomboms they had in the showcase...I knew exactly how to catch him,in the next day I went to the shop and bought some of their ludicrously expensive purple bomboms and waited at the cafe, the perfect moment to strike was between 5 and 6 pm, during this moment everyone is in the rush to return home and no one would notice me aproaching the boy, I was shivering with antecipation...salivating with the thought of consuming that suculent young soul, I was so anxious I was afraid I could scare the boy, but when the time came I aproached him as a master of deception,I introduced myself with sugarcoated words and gave him one of the bomboms he desired for so long, poor creature could barely believe he devoured the candy in no time, I told him I had more in a secret stash down the alleyway, he naively followed me to the dark corner without any wittnesses, not even a single rat was there to see what was about to unfold.

In the little moment of distraction he had looking for my stash I attacked, like a snake I plunged my fangs in his little neck and while my mutated tongue pierced his skin and latched in to his spine, a swift and painless sting, finnaly my hunger could be satiated, I slowly devoured his essence savoring every drop of it, the little boy was in state of bliss like he was still savouring the sweet, the whole process took around half an our, before I could savour the last drops of his essence he said his last words "Mother I'm so cold", in this moment I was overtaken by guilt and a strange motherly stinct, I held him tight to my chest wrapping both of us in my pelt coat, little gary died in my arms warm and safe, I drained him until the last drop...

When I released his lifeless body in the floor of the alley terror overtook my mind, I cried madly, I wanted to scream, I just killed a child, not an alien child in a dream labyrinth...a real child in the real world! I felt monstruous and desperate, I ran away as fast as I could probably leaving a ton of evidence behind, the following night I spent mostly crying trying to come to terms with what I did, I could still feel his essence warming my body like a strong liqour, I found some solace hugging my own body and realizing part of him was still living inside me,I considered confessing what I did for the college masters, but this crime has only one punishment since medieval times...be burned alive in a pyre, thats too painful I can't endure that!

During the entire next week I was shivering with the idea of getting caught, I left a lot of evidence behind, the constables would be after me in no time, two weeks passed and no sign of police, now a little calmer I returned to the cafe where all of it started, the spot previously ocuppied by Gary was now property of another boy, pretenting to be clueless I asked the waiter about the mising shoe shinner, the waiter told me they found him dead in the alleyway some weeks ago, the police told everyone he died due the cold during the night, everyone in the nighborhood shrugged and returned to their day to day activities...that was so cold! how could they be so hearthless with the death of a child? AND I SAY THAT AS THE KILLER! poor Gary didn't deserved to live among these callous people, at least now he was safe warm and at peace as part of me.

I wish this was the end of the tale...but Gary was just my first victim...the hunger didnt went away it only got worse, less than week later I was planning my next meal.My next target was a 9 year old girl named Rosalinda, she spent most of her days seeling flowers in the nearby park, she had no interest in candy, but she wanted to see some magic tricks, she got fascinated with the colorful animals I could conjure in the palm of my hands...she was still so happy and dazzled when my fangs pierced her little neck, her last words were "where is the purple girafe?".

Five days leter after her I went after two troublemakers in the park, Boris and Paul of 10 and 12 years old, they actually tried to mug and stab me, but I'm quick on my feet, some blade dance later and both of their souls were down my gullet, their last words where "fuck you whore" and "die bitch", these brothers sustained me for quite a while, I had some time to refine my method,I bought a good amount of bomboms and filled them with a potion of bliss, anyone who ate one of that would feel very relaxed and vulnerable to external commands.

Armed with my improved sweets I clocked my new target, a paperboy named Kevin, this boy was a challenge, he was smart and due his job he was aware of my previous murders, when I approached him he knew something was up...but instead of ratting me out to the constables he tried to play smart, he offered me to help lure other kids in to my trap in exchange for his safety, Kevin had alot of bullies he wanted to get rid off, so our partnership endured the rest of the year, Thanks to kevin I dinned well that year, almost two fresh souls per month, what a delight! But sadly for our little Kevin, he ran out of friends to feed me...and he knew too much, so as a last payment I gave him my most potent candy of bliss, he died saying he was the smartest boy of the center district...little smug brat, so cute.

At this point I had snacked 17 victims in total, I was reeking with power! during the tests I hed to held my power back to don't damage the college's structure! I could sense the fear and awe of the other students and even the masters...but I showed off too much, Master Erasmus got scent of what I was doing, he discovered about the urchins I killed, he confiscated my diary where I kept my list of targets,plans and stuff, he had me by the balls, but luckyly for me Erasmus was a corrupt piece of shit, he promissed to keep silence in exchange for sexual favours.While hunting my victim of number 18, I had a dangerous close call with the constables in the park, I just had left the fresh body in the bush behind me when they found me, they almost broke me, but once again my masterful deception saved me...I should be an actress not a killer!This made me paranoid, they were on my scent, I had to change my hunting grounds, I overheard some lads in the college laughing about the amount of kids in the red light district near the wall gates that connect the center district to the industrial ring, I took my chances and went there alone, scariest place I ever been! well scariest before I got sent to this damned fortress.

The red light district has no shortage of potential targets for soul consumption, but there I had to constantly watch my back, my fancy garments were easily noticed and I was constaly mistaken for a prostitute...wich to be honest is kinda of a compliment in my book! the grim part is that the vulnerable kids on that part of the city were all part of the "night workers" if you catch my drift, I fell no regret about these killings I freed those kids from a horrible life, I would keep preying on the red light district if a angry pimp didnt had catch wind of me, I had to abandon that place before ended up dead or tied to a bed and sold for the night! I scored 8 kills in the red light district, now I had a total of 26...I feel bad about putting in numbers like that, but as the time passed I had issues keeping names and ages and stuff, I was still compassionate and doing my best to avoid any kind of pain or distress to my victims, I was doing it in a nice way!...I think...

At this point I was entering my last year in the college of thaumaturges, in less than 360 days I would be sent to the front lines to serve in the endless war, like many there I was teribly anxious and scared, two of my class peers commited suicide because of that, I was sure I was doomed even if I got sent to" good part" of the conflict, so I decided to release the brakes and continue the killing spree,I got swifter and more reckless, but I was scoring kills almost every week, delicious souls filling my gullet every week, making me even more powerful...at this point panick was spread all over the central district everyone knew about the murders and were worried, parents would not bring their children to the center disctrict because of it, they were afraid I would jump from the shadows and snack the soul of their precious little angels! hahahaah...I mean...I could...I considered for a while even, but rich and middle class kids when victimized draw the full attention of the cops, if this case got in the first page of the papers I would be in a pyre in no time!

Seven months before my departure I discovered there was sex pest preying on my turf, this sack of shit was taking advantage of my notoriety to put the blame of his shit on me! but dont worry I caught him, he was a big mean guy, but thanks to a broken bottle I found in a trashcan I was able to gut him and of course snack his soul!...no one preys on my turf...no one hurts my precious urchins...3 months before departure I almost got caught red handed, I had my 50th victim in my arms,a adorable blonde girl named Samantha, half of her essence was already inside of me, when a group of vigilantes saw me on the alleway where all began with Gary years ago, I barely had time to unlatch my tongue from her spine, I ran like the wind, barely being able to escape them, before I found a good place to hide one of them shoot me, the bullet grazed my arm, it hurt alot by the way!once they lost me I returned to the college and patched my wounds, in the next days I was happy to hear samantha survived my attack without permanent injuries or memories of me, I got tempted to jump her again just for the thrill of the hunt, but I ended deciding otherwise, I leave her as the lucky one that got away, good for her, she got my blesses and I hope she live a good life!

After all of that my time to serve has come and now I find myself in this hell,Now I ask you my friend was me the true monster of this story? yes I killed 49 children to feed my powers...but I made everything in my power to avoid their suffering...I fulfilled their small dreams, I gave them small pleasures they would never experience, rare expensive sweets, magic shows, dreams of grandure and even maternal love, I embraced them warmly like my children, all of them! they died loved and cared for! they died full of bliss and cheer!...while many of their peers perished in the cold nights of winter, painfully,alone, scared...unloved...I know you are about to say, I denied their adulthood! but what adulthood? even if they survived their painful childhoods they would end up here in this trench filled hell as canon foder against the undead!

I dare to say I saved these children, this world is a grim cold and hopeless place...but I came like a sun for them, I gave them my warm and my tender glow...now can you look deep in to my eyes and trully call me a monster after all I told you? perhaps the true mosters are still there on the city, enslaving the orphans of war for menial labor, or selling them flesh toys every night...or perhaps the true monster is the very system that we live in...all I know is that know I agonize in this purgatory of concrete mud and rotten flesh...perhaps I deserve it, I will let your fair mind judge me...but before you say anything let me finish with this...if you could save me from this hell and put me back in that city...I would do everything again ten times over." (Danadriel)

I had so much fun drawing and writing this story, what a fucking catharsis! absolutely delightful...not gonna lie since I began my transition I felt the need to maintain my best behavior as an artist and stuff to not contribute to the hateful rethoric against us, specially in drawings that may involve minors, but fuck I needed this, I will allow myself to taste this small bite of evil just for today,I hope my avid readers can comprehend, let mama have this please. nwn''

what makes me love this drawing is the implied malice of it without being ultra edgy, theres not a single drop of blood on it but the implications are utterly disturbing!I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, and it will not become a daily occurrence, if you don't like there's no need to be hostile to me, I didn't force you to read it.

Look at Gary, poor little bean. ;w;

cub 262,779, feline 145,071, rabbit 133,591, rodent 33,271, underage 15,937, snow 11,136, panther 7,959, witch 6,437, winter 6,062, villain 1,815, victorian 473
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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2 months, 3 weeks ago
Wow, this is really good! I love the way you portray the conflicting feelings here, it helps sell the tragedy really well. Hope you continue to indulge in more taboo stuff again, I really adored your old Cub content!~
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