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Finally I've finished my map and created a basic timeline for Arulan, my world where all of OCs will now reside! I hade to cut the timeline down a fair bit since there was too much information. Probably still is, honestly. Probably no one will read it, but dang it, this is my vanity project and I'm gonna do it!

So a quick list of the various nations and the characters who inhabit them. This map and list do not actually cover all of Arulan, only half of it. A strange mist covers the ocean once you travel a certain distance away from land. Those who enter it either return, confused how they were turned around, or do not return at all. Maybe one day I'll do the other half of Arulan but for now:

Empire of Wolfen
Capital: Icehold
Serena Raposa: https://inkbunny.net/s/3080373
Katie Wolfen: https://inkbunny.net/s/2931419
Lorelei Raposa: https://inkbunny.net/s/3089503

Kingdom of Feliniad

Grand Duchy of Selina
Capital: Erborne

United tribes of the Khira
Capital: Iavir
Krystal Catlett: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16937810/

Rinus Confederacy
Capital: Trathe
Jenna Esteed and Tydrem Raptous: https://inkbunny.net/s/2073266

Holy Kingdom of Dragconis
Capital: Umyfa
(Tydrem Raptous's birthplace)

Republic of Elenor
Capital: Iriephia
Brittany Sharpe (as a slave): https://inkbunny.net/s/1765190
Nieve (as a slave in 178 PDE): https://inkbunny.net/s/3079760

Technocracy of Ostril
Capital: Gafranthil

Principality of Drayla
Capital: Osaphia
Cassie: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16863814/

Polrus Dominion
Capital: Wlarion

Toblistan League
Capital: Solu

Kingdom of Syla
Capital: Elhorne
Jenna (old) and Marla: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20606510/

Astrax Triumvirate
Capital: Epharc
(Brittany Sharpe lived here before being enslaved)

Theocracy of Agraria
Capital: Clonard

Thillasesan Federation
Capital: Drethyr

Free City of Tethrion
Capital: Tethrion

So, I'll do a written submission for each nation describing it, it's geography, government, history, ECT. It was taking too long to try and put it all here.

Before Dragon Empire:
  -700 BDE - a space faring vessel crashes into the Grey Mountains on planet Arulan in modern day Ostril.
  - 690 BDE- first records of humanity dated here in the Ostril region.
  - 688 BDE- humans in Ostril move south, relocating in modern day Elenor.
  -500 BDE- first recorded appearance of Xevrodan in the Grey Mountains, in the Ostril region.
  -398 BDE- Xevrodan relocates to Umyfa
  -300 BDE- the first dragons appear on the island of Dragconis
  -275 BDE- the dragons form a kingdom, with Xevrodan ruler.
  -145 BDE- first recorded appearance of primitive anthros forming more complex tribes and social groups
  -001 BDE- Xevrodan declares himself a divine being and forms the Dragon Empire.

Age Of Dragons:
 -001 AOD- the Dragon Empire launches an invasion of all surrounding territories. All natives encountered are slaughtered or enslaved.
 -011 AOD- the dragons, mastery of magic and with far superior technology, conquer most of the known world without serious opposition.
 -020 AOD-  Xevrodan begins construction of the 'Ivory Palace' in Umyfa, bring artifacts from Ostril to be housed within.
  - 063 AOD- Xevrodan completes construction of the palace. He sequesters himself within and rarely ventures out again.
  - 081 AOD- the Empire forms the Ivory Council to handle governance of the empire in Xevrodan's stead.
  - 088 AOD- the Ivory Council votes to cease expansion and instead focus on ruling the lands they have already conquered.
  - 200 AOD- kingdoms and city states of humans and anthros form outside the borders of the Dragon Empire begin to form.
  - 235 AOD- these outside groups attempt diplomacy and trade with the Dragon Empire. The Ivory Council refuses to maintain any ties with what they considered to be savages who should be enslaved.
  - 235 AOD- the Ivory Council approves the raiding of outside people's for slaves and resources.
  - 575 AOD- the first records of serious internal strife in the Empire: Slave revolts, bickering governors, excessive bureaucracy, unfair taxation, all exacerbated by an absentee ruler.
  - 625 AOD- external powers begin launching invasions of the Empire.
  - 665 AOD- extreme infighting, war, internal conflicts, and Councilors consolidating power for personal profits causes the Empire's borders to start shrinking.
  - 700 AOD- the Empire loses half of it's size to outside forces. Despite pleas from his subjects, Xevrodan refuses to leave the Ivory Palace.
  - 735 AOD- a series of coordinated revolts and invasions occur across the Empire's remaining territories. The Empire's forces are spread too thin to re-establish order.
  - 738 AOD- the Empire's armies are pushed back to the Island of Dragconis.
  - 739 AOD- the combined armies of anthros, humans, and revolting slaves lay siege to Umyfa.
  - 739 AOD- Xevrodan personally leads a charge from Umyfa.
  - 739 AOD- after causing heavy casualties, Xevrodan is slain.
  - 740 AOD- the Ivory Council officially surrenders and agrees to relinquish all claims to all slaves and lands outside the boarders of Dragconis.

Post Dragon Empire (age of formation):
  - 001 PDE- all anthros and humans withdraw from Dragconis.
  - 001 PDE- survivors returned to their kingdoms while newly freed slaves formed new groups, tribes, and kingdoms.
  - 002 PDE- conflicts break out almost immediately as each group tries to claim chunks of the former empire.
  - 009 PDE- Xevrodan appears inside the Ivory Palace again.
  - 009 PDE- Xevrodan has the Ivory Council executed for surrendering and dissolving the Empire.
  - 010 PDE- Xevrodan tries to launch another invasion of the mainland but the dragon's numbers are too few. Instead he retreats back into the Ivory Palace.
  - 010 PDE- kingdoms, tribes, city states, and other groups rise and fall, due either to constant warfare, revolt, economic collapse, or a lack of resources.
  - 200 PDE- after nearly two centuries, stable, permanent nations form ranging from sprawling kingdoms to city states. They continue to war with each other but the conflicts are smaller in scale and less frequent.
  - 250 PDE- a nation mining in the Grey Mountains discover buried fragments of a buried craft. The excavate it in secret and find that it is many generations more advance than anything on Arulan.
  - 255 PDE- the nation begins a covert program to learn to utilize the weapons found within the craft and to discover how the craft functions.
  - 260 PDE- Xevrodan discovers the project and learns of the craft discovered in the Grey Mountains. He orders an immediate invasion to recover the craft. He ignores the Ivory Council, his generals, and his people, conscripting and forcing them to march to the Grey Mountains, personally leading the invasion.
  - 261 PDE- Xevrodan's insistence in a direct route to the Grey Mountains laboratory meets heavy resistance from troops using futuristic weaponry results in huge losses, interrupted supply lines, and low morale.
  - 262 PDE- Xevrodan reaches the laboratory and tries to export as much of the craft and technology back to Umyfa as possible.
  - 262 PDE- Xevrodan is soon cut off and trapped inside of the lab. He is killed by a massive, scavenged weapon and his remaining troops are killed, with no survivors.
  - 262 PDE- it is discovered that after Xevrodan's appearance in the lab, many components of the craft are now operational. The weapon that killed him no longer functions.
  - 263 PDE- the nation that discovered the craft reforms as a technocracy.
  - 277 PDE- Xevrodan reappears in the Ivory Palace. His remaining military and the Council refuses to even consider the idea of another invasion, even after being threatened with execution.
  - 284 PDE- the human empire, the largest since the Dragon Empire, splits due to internal strife. The half of the empire on the South Krezan declares independence from the rest of the empire on Idica. Civil war ensues.
  - 295 PDE- the civil war ends with the southern half of the empire being recognized as the Grand Duchy of Selina.
  - 300 PDE- the remaining human empire collapses and reforms as a mercantile republic called the Republic of Elenor.

Unification era:
  - 310 PDE- Agaustus von Feliniad, lion ruler of Klis, begins to convince nearby tribes to join his lands, increasing his subjects and power.
  - 317 PDE- Xander Greyfang, a wolf chieftain from the far north challenges and defeats the ruler of Icehold, earning rulership and the surrounding land.
  - 324 PDE- Klis enters into conflict with a neighboring nation.
  - 325 PDE- Greyfang launches an invasion of the smallest near by nation.
  - 328 PDE- Greyfang conquers his neighbor through brutal conquest, killing all who refuse to surrender.
  - 328 PDE- Klis wins the conflict, absorbing the defeated nation.
  - 330 PDE- Agaustus declares the formation of the Kingdom of Feliniad.
  - 333 PDE- Greyfang dies under mysterious circumstances amid growing international tension. His inner circle Honor fights for the right to rule. Yorlan Wolfen takes his place.
  - 333 PDE- Yorlan refocuses his nation's resources to rebuilding the lands conquered by Greyfang, having been largely ignored in favor of further conquest.
  - 337 PDE- Agaustus von Feliniad, feuding with nearby tiger clans, launches an invasion. He is killed in battle.
  - 338 PDE- Feliniad's daughter and successor, Queen Ashila Feliniad, approaches the tiger clan war leader. Rather than further war, she challenges their chieftain to personal combat to decide the conflict.
  - 338 PDE- the tiger warlord agrees. Ashila, through subterfuge, wins the duel. The warlord, impressed by her victory and unaware of her trickery, agrees to surrender only if Ashila will marry him.
  - 339 PDE- Ashila is married and the tigers join the Feliniad Kingdom.
  - 343 PDE- Yorlan approaches two city states wearing near Icehold. He approached the losing city, a fox city, and brings it's ruling council to the lands conquered by Greyfang and restored by him. He offers Icehold's protection and prosperity if they surrender their city to him.
  - 344 PDE- after further war and in desperate need of aid, the foxes agree to surrender to Yorlan. Icehold immediately launches an invasion against the other city state, forcing them to bend the knee. Yorlan is declared emperor by his people.
  - 345 PDE- the Wolfen Empire and Feliniad Kingdom both continue to slowly expand, through war, trickery, and diplomacy.
  - 375 PDE- Republic of Elenor begins construction of a massive road across their nation to create a trade route to rival sea trade.
  - 400 PDE- the Elenor road is completed, allowing easy trade between Idica and North and South Krezan.
  - 535 PDE- 3 kingdoms in Idica join together to become the Astrax Triumvirate in the face of aggression from Syla and Elenor.
  - 600 PDE- a new religion forms inside of the Kingdom of Syla, and spreads throughout Idica.
  - 603 PDE- the Grand Duchy of Selina attempts to annex the Thillasesan archipelago.
  - 603 PDE- Drethyr appeals to Elenor for aid, offering free travel for trade through the archipelago in exchange for aid.
  - 605 PDE- the combined navies of Elenor and the Thillasesan Federation defeated Selina.
  - 656 PDE- the Kingdom of Syla invades the Polrus Dominion. They find most of the country seemingly abandoned ahead of their invasion.
  - 657 PDE- Syla moves in settlers to manage the abandoned towns and villages to grow food rather than rely on a long supply line.
  - 657 PDE- the settlers are ambushed by Dominion troops rising from secret tunnels in the town's basements. They are all enslaved.
  - 657 PDE- the Sylian army is cut off. They make a desperate attempt to force their way back to Syla. The encounter the forces that captured the civilians and are stalled long enough to be attacked by Dominion from behind.
  - 657 PDE- less than a third of the Sylian forces are able to break through and retreat to Syla.
  - 658 PDE- Syla approaches the Dominion to negotiate for the release of the civilians and captive soldiers. The Dominion refuses any negotiation.
  - 680 PDE- the Wolfen Empire and Feliniad Kingdom boarders finally meet. There are immediate tensions between them.
  - 700 PDE- the first war between Wolfen and Feliniad begins after a dispute over where borders lay.
  - 710 PDE- there has been no progress for either side. They begrudgingly agree to a truce with the instillation of a 2 mile wide no man's land between their nations.
  - 725 PDE- both the Empire and the Kingdom aggressively expand in all other directions, each hoping to secure all other borders to commit more resources to toppling the other.
  - 758 PDE- the religious zealotry in Syla threatens to over take the monarchy.
  - 760 PDE- faced with the decision to either put down the believers to the outrage of his own people, or surrender power to the church, the king offers the church the Agrarian peninsula if they will take their believers out of his Kingdom.
  - 760 PDE- the Theocracy of Agrarian is recognized as an independent state.
  - 940 PDE- after warring with Feliniad on and off, the empire of Wolfen has nearly covered all of North Krezan.
  - 940 PDE- in response to Wolfen expansion, the northeastern nations band together to form the Rinus Confederacy.
  - 945 PDE- the Empire prepares to invade Rinus, but is forced to call off the invasion when The Holy Kingdom of Dragconis signs a treaty with the Confederacy, complete with sending dragon reinforcements to it's boarders.
  - 980 PDE- the Kingdom of Feliniad launches an invasion of Selina.
  - 984 PDE- the Grand Duchy of Selina convinces the tribes of Khira to unite and launch their own invasion of Feliniad.
  - 988 PDE- facing a war on two fronts, Feliniad agreed to Selina's sudden offer of cease fire.
  - 990 PDE- Feliniad turns it's attention to Khira.
  - 1000 PDE- Feliniad ceases it's invasion of Khira due to new aggression from the Wolfen Empire. The United Tribes have lost more than half of their original territory.
  - 1078 PDE- the Agrarian Theocracy instigates a holy war against Polrus. The Principality of Drayla launches a surprise invasion.
  - 1079 PDE- Polrus is caught off guard by the sudden invasion. The lose much ground, all civilians enslaved or killed if resistance is encountered.
  - 1079 PDE- Draylan soldiers locate the tunnels that had been the down Syla. They send in three battalions to clear them. They do not return
  - 1082 PDE- Drayla refuses to send in more troops without reinforcements, but Agraria can not convince Syla to join the fight.
  - 1084 PDE- Polrus tries but fails to regain its lost territories.
  - 1086 PDE- Polrus, furious but without recourse, signs a pact with Drayla, ending current hostilities and promising no future hostilities in exchange for relinquishing any claim to their lost lands.
  - 1103 PDE- the Republic of Elenor and the Grand Duchy of Selina enter into a secret agreement to strangle hold the Wolfen Empire and Feliniad Kingdom's abilities to trade freely with Idica. They plunder any ships or transports not traveling through their waters inorder to force both nations to pay tariffs. They do the same to Idican vessels trying to avoid them as well.
  - 1113 PDE- selling western slaves to eastern nations becomes the most profitable industry in Elenor and Selina.
  - 1146 PDE- the Kingdom of Feliniad and Wolfen Empire sign an official declaration of war against both the Republic and the Grand Duchy.
  - 1147 PDE- Elenor and Selina are caught off guard by the combined might of Feliniad and Wolfen.
  - 1155 PDE- Elenor and Selina call in aid from Idica. Instead, Astrax launched their own invasion into Elenor.
  - 1156 PDE- Elenor must abandon Selina to answer Astrax's aggression.
  - 1158 PDE- Selina surrenders to Feliniad and Wolfen, with Elenor soon following suit.
  - 1159 PDE- Elenor and Selina's navel fleets are reduced by half in the terms of their surrender. Their lands are not returned to them.
  - 1160 PDE- hostilities between Astrax and Elenor cease but tensions remain high.
  - 1188 PDE- relations between Wolfen and Feliniad break down and war breaks out again.
  - 1213 PDE- active fighting between Wolfen and Feliniad ceases. Each builds up forces on the border.
  - 1263 PDE- several small fights break out along the Wolfen and Feliniad border, causing another war.
  - 1270 PDE- the Kingdom and Empire agree to a cease fire.
  - 1291 PDE- Elenor launches unexpected raids into Astrax, destroying border towns and enslaving their populace.
  - 1293 PDE- current year

Made with Azgaar's fantasy map generator.

story 12,960, ocs 5,068, world 1,775, map 566, lore 557, countries 15, nations 8
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Rating: General

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10 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh holy moly, that is a GREAT idea! Nice work!
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Thank you so much! I put a lot of work into it!
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