Character Sheet for Scalia Wisp
King Killer, Lord Slayer, Dragon Slayer
Prideful, sure she is the deadliest thing in the sea
Likes: her ship, her crew, fresh meat, fish, the sea, gold, jewels, shiny things, warm showers
dislikes: dragons, stowaways, thieves, traitors, dry land, vegetables, those who take more than their share, mutineers, the color Damask for some reason.
Scalia was a member of a kobold clan that was under the control of a dragon whom they called "Lord" and "King". He was a bit of a tyrant, throwing his weight around, getting what he wanted, taking female kobolds for his harem, eating anyone who angered him. Scalia eventually had enough of it, and led a uprising against the dragon, eventually killing him. Now she sails the seas in a massive pirate ship with a crew of kobolds. The sails of her ship are made of the scales/skin and wing leather of the various dragons she has killed and the figurehead is the skull and some bones of the original dragon she killed.