“Look, Mom, I don’t have time to be sitting around waiting for Jeff to do, literally nothing.” Zack ranted as he follows the female parent around in the kitchen. 18 years of age, Zack’s bright blonde hair is short but spiked and shiny with its sunshine sheen. He follows her in his red T-shirt with one of his semi-baggy jeans, and heavy solver necklace with a cool tribal pendant on it.
“Why, you have an appointment, Zachery?” Mom asked with a stern brow.
“NO, but my friends and I were going to see Rapidfire 3! I told you about it a dozen times!”
“And I told YOU a dozen times that as long as Gregory is out of town, you’re looking after your brother!”
“Dad, help me out here!” Zack called out to his father, who is adjusting his suit and tie.
“Listen to your mother, boys.” He said in his usual inattentive response, not at all breaking away from reading the newspaper as he gets ready in a hurry.
“Language!” Mom says as she smacks Zack on the head.
“Come on, Mom! I’ve been waiting to see the movie for 4 weeks!”
“Good. Then you can wait another day then.”
“Oh. My. God.” Zack scowls. Meanwhile, Dad is already rushing out the door to drive off. Up the stairs, a small boy spies on his family’s minor squabble.
Tyler scoffs as he listens to his older brother argue with his mouth. 13 years old, the kid has the same color blonde hair as his older brother, but has no gel or product in it. He wears a comfy red shirt with some white shorts.
Over the years, Tyler has played a fair amount of pranks on his older brother – itching powder on toilet paper, stalking the older brother until the opportunity for a whoopee cushion presented itself, accidentally ‘tripping’ with a bottle of water and wetting Zack’s pants with it, rigging up his bedroom door with a bucket of confetti, all kinds of funny stuff!
Except it’s not so funny anymore since Zack has caught on to everything the boy does when it came to pranks. His older brother is so smart, and he disarms the juvenile traps at every turn. It also didn’t help when their parents put their foot down and told Tyler that he is not to pull anymore stupid pranks.
“Come ON!” Zack ranted, “It’s not like he’s going to do anything!”
“Zachery, enough!” Mom says, “If Gregory calls the home phone and tells you he can come babysit today, you’re off free. But you’re here to look after your brother!” Zack opens his mouth to argue, “End of discussion!”
With that, Mom takes her leave. Gregory is Tyler’s usual babysitter – which he often does not need anymore, but due to a D+ on his test at school, the little brother is prohibited from his TV, video games, and/or hanging out with his friends.
“Fuck…” Zack growls as he grabs his phone.
“Hey, Zack!” Chimes in Tyler. Zack rolls his eyes at the kid, “Wanna play games or something?”
“Not. Interested.” He tells him, “Besides, you got a D+ on your test, you’re not doing sh- crap, squirt.” Zack gives a light slap on the side of Tyler’s head before he goes towards the kitchen. ”Just go do chores or something.”
Zack used to be the best brother on the block. When he and Tyler were kids, Zack was such a goofball, dancing around at parties, entertaining their friends as well as Tyler himself. Though since puberty began for Zack, he become a lot less interested in amusing his little brother and more interested in playing video games or hanging out with his friends at school or hitting on some hot girls. Not only that, but since then, Zack’s developed a thug-like mean streak that further detached him from his sibling, calling him names and saying very rude things to him...
“Oh my gosh, Zack come on!” Tyler insists as Zack tries to contact his girlfriend, “Mom and Dad’ll never know! Just one round.”
“Hey, Natasha, it’s Zack.” The guy says with a smile.
“Ugh, come on, plleeeeaaasse??”
“No!” Zack hushed real quick before turning his attention back to his call, “Hahaha, yeah, just stuck at home.”
“Zack, dude, you can call her anytime! I’m already freaking bored!” He nagged.
“Oh yeah, I- Not now, Ty,” Zack dismisses him, “Yeah, yeah, I’d love to, I’m free next weekend... Oh I- Agh, dammit go away!” He shooed at his brother, “No no, not you,”
The boy races to the other side of the house and shouts, “HEY ZACK! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!”
Zack slaps his hand over the ohone, “SHHHH!” He grits his teeth from the boy’s nonstop nagging, before going back to the conversation “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ll get my Dad to let me barrow his car it’ll be great!”
Tyler frowns and continues to yank at his brother’s sleeve while the jock continues to absent-mindedly push him away, “Sure, no problem! Hey, hold on a sec,” He puts his hand over the phone and glares right at the boy, “Shhh! Would you fuck OFF! I’m on the damn phone!” Zack says before he changes his tone and stands back up, “Sorry about that, my kid brother won’t stop bothering me... Hahaha, no no, he just doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” He jested. “Hahahaha, yours too, huh? I hear ya.”
“Ugh, fine. Jerkface…” Tyler stomps away and hopped back up stairs into his room and pulled out a box under his bed. Contained are various powders and pranks, his trusty whoopee cushion, a laser pointer, and a violet velvet pouch with shiny gold ropes keeping it tight.
Oddly enough, a few days after Tyler was told to back off the practical jokes, he met with a weird man in some cool and jumpy clothing. He merely asked Tyler if he liked jokes, too which of course Tyler said ‘yes’. The nameless man then gave Tyler this sack of marbles – not just any marbles, he said. These marbles hold the power to make whatever fun scenario come true to whomever used them.
“Hm…” Tyler thought. “What do I wanna do…” He was told these were magic, but what kind of magic would happen? And how would they make things fun? Tyler snickers as he recalls the one time he peaked on Zack dancing in his underwear in his room, singing into the remote of his TV, and then the jockhead shouting at him and slamming the door shortly. Tyler’s young eyes then venture to the whoopee cushion in the box – it’s been months since he used it due to his predictability to pull it out.
“Ok, I got it.” Tyler digs his fingers into the bag and drew out a random marble – a shiny and tiny blue orb with yellow stars inside it, “So for my first prank, I want my big brother to dance in his underwear and fart like a lot – b-but not like real farts! I don’t want him to stink the place up.” He blinked as the glass sphere shimmers. “Uh… I guess it’ll do it?”
The man told him how to ‘use’ each marble. Just toss it like he would with any normal marble. He tucked it into the dip under his finger and popped it out of his hand. The glass ball ejects down onto the floor. As soon as it hit the surface, the marble flashes cyan and yellow and then it shattered into tiny magic shards. Tyler blinked as he sees a small mist of blue pixie dust twinkle up and channel out through the creases of his door. He opens it and looks to see the subtle magic sail through the air and at his chatting brother. Tyler sneaks close as he can still make out the shimmering dust around his sibling, careful not to be seen.
Tyler’s eyebrows raise a little as a grumbling noise can be heard emanating from Zack’s bowels. The growling, gurgling sound gets louder as Zack begins to feel the magic working deep inside of him, pressing down his gut as warm gas fills his most sensitive insides.
“Oof... Ah, wah...” Zack irks and huffs as his hips twitch a little, bucking a bit as some rambunctious gurgling bubbles in his gut. ”Damn, what’s going on??” He asked himself. Tyler furrows his brow and looks curiously at him. Did the marble work? He knew he heard a distinct rumbling inside his brother, but his clothes are still on.
‘I don’t get it…’ Tyler thought to himself
The door bell rings. “Hey, listen, lemme call you back. ... Ok, bye.” He hangs up, and walks to the door. Zack opens the door, and is greeted by a handsome mailman, his shirt tight-fitting on his muscular frame as well as his tight shorts showing off his bod.
But that’s not the most interesting that happened.
Right when the jock opened the door, in the blink of an eye, Zack stands there, looking down, and sees that he is wearing nothing but chocolate brown briefs! Vivid brown tighty-whities with white waistband and white seems. “Holy cow…” Tyler muttered lowly.
“A-Ahuhh...” Zack hesitates, right before his abs give a deep gurgle underneath...
And right there, Zack farts! Not just that, but some odd, weird music starts to play out of unseen speakers. The music has a silly squeaky beat to it while rhythmic clapping sounds abound in the background. Tyler’s head darts around, trying to locate the source of the music.
-BrrRRH- -BrrRRH-
Zack farts twice, his hips darting back and forth as his arms jerk up and start to dance a little. As this begins, a small microphone headset appeared on Zack’s head. As the weird music beats on, the mailman’s legs start to bounce him slightly as a knowing smirk comes on his face, while a small mic headset manifests on the handsome adult as well. Zack winces as the music forces him to start grooving himself. -Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh- Zack’s eyebrows raise with feigned shock surprise as his butt acts on its own accord, his mouth ajar before he gives an amused smile.
“PFFngnghghgh!” Tyler snickers harshly as he sees and hears the spectacle; the song he recognizes as Sebastian Castro's FART – Zack doesn’t even look embarrassed, but instead getting into ‘character’, so to speak. And the flatulence is so loud and clear, it’s like there’s a highly advanced microphone hidden inside of Zack’s buttcrack.
Tyler trots to the side, whipping out his smartphone and starts recording his gassy bro.
The mailman dances as Zack holds his hips and starts to circle his hips about. -BrrRRH- -BrrRRH- Clad in brown briefs, Zack’s booty vibrates as it blurts out again. -Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh- Zack’s bod swings his butt around in four consecutive farts before both he and the mailman starts popping and dancing.
“{I know why you’re squirming}” The mailman says in sing-talk in the song, pointing a finger at the teen, “{Oh yeah, I know what’s going on}” Zack grabs his own butt as he dances, “{Can you keep it in}” Mailman asked as they bopped, Zack wagging his hips left and right, “{Or make it to the john?}”
“{Oh no here it comes!}” Zack sing-talks as he bends over and balls his fists, sticking his rear out behind him, “{Wait wait no it’s gone}”
“{Man that was close}” Mailman says with a gesture of his finger at the jock.
“Shit” Zack says.
-Prrrhhht- His ass erupts again before the jumpy party music continued!
“Gghhhahahaha” Tyler can’t stop laughing and dancing on his own to the side, mesmorized by how silly everything seems to be. Even when the mailman looks over and winks at Tyler he just gives him two thumbs up.
“{Let it out, I wanna hear it riiiip}” The mailman sings while grasping Zack’s shoulder, the 18-year-old jock grinning “{Do me proud, don’t you just let it siiIIIiit}” Zack bounds his body up and down with an encouraged smile, “{You may think your life is in fart’s hands. Reality, nobody gives a daaaayaaamn}” His arms wiggle in a shrug gesture as his own hips perk and move.
“(No!)” Zack whoops with glee.
“{Come on bud you gotta lose the shame}” Mailman says as he comes in with his thumbs into Zack’s waistband, flapping his new briefs up and down to show off his perfect butt in and out of his undies.
“Koohhh!” Tyler scoffs in disbelief as the adult flashes his brother’s ass in front of him! The boy’s eyes tear up with the severe suppression of his laughter.
The mailman stands back up and patting Zack’s shoulder, “{If all else fails, look there’s a kid to blaaaAAAaame}” The mailman sings as he points to Tyler, to whom Zack turns his head and gives a playful face of awe. “{You can tell a lot about a person, Based on how he takes fart cri-ti-ci-sm}” Mailman tells him in lyric
“{Face it I am living art!}” Zack grins as he holds his arms open and dancing to the beat, “{You’re nothing but an old fart}” The Mailman nods as his form bobs up and down with approval “{You’re done, and by done, I mean: Long live fuuuuuun!}” Mailman grooves backward, dancing as he walks, the teenager obviously finding his flatulent stride. “{Face it I am living art! You’re nothing but an old fart! You’re done, and by done, I mean: Long live fuuuuun!}”
The music pumps forth just as Zack closes the door, dancing in his brown underwear for his brother to see. Zack dances wildly like a gogo boy, swinging his butt and feeling great and super jazzed to the party-beat. His thighs spread as he grins and looks down, waving his hips to make his bulge whip and whirl in a helicopter move.
Completely taken to the busy rhythm, Zack just puts on a lewd show for Tyler, waving his ass about and grabbing his package and punching the air playfully and giving some big goofy twerks to the door. He smiles sexily as he literally shakes his booty while holding his arms up and his hands over his head and twirls his hips around in circles.
He flips around on the spot and cups his own butt as his hips jerk to the bounce of the music, his hands playing with his brief-clad rear before he squats down and arches his back.
Once Zack’s anus rips again, the music restarts from its original first stanza. Zack’s hands go to the back of his head, his right foot tapping the floor, the headset still equipped to his ear with a mic in front of his mouth.
-BbbRRP--FrrPP-- The music continues before he puts his hands on his thighs and starts bopping his butt behind him. He puckers his lips playfully and looks over his shoulder as his ass points in several directions behind him, letting out some more farts, -Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh-
Tyler just takes it all in, trying REALLY hard not to break out in hysterical laughter, still holding up his phone and hoping that the magic of the marble is still in play.
“Hahhahaha, this is just awesome, Zack.” Tyler snickered as he records his brother dancing to the party music. “You just thought that you NEEDED this really badly. You just wanted to dance to relax. That’s your secret to being great, huh?”
“Secret?” Zack asked with his handsome face furrowed with curiosity as his swings his arms about side to side in dance.
“You love to fart, don’t you?” Tyler snickers, “Isn’t that one of your favorite things to do?”
“Kahah, wha?” The big jock’s face scoffs, but weird enough... What he says somehow makes a huge amount of sense! Dancing like this is awesome! And it’s even better when you’re dancing in your underwear!
But he loves to fart?
While grooving, Zack looks over his shoulder at his provocative bottom... Yeah, yeah! Farting is freaking amazing! He doesn’t know why he never noticed before, but everyone should proudly rip one out loud! “Hah, ok! Yeah!” Zack nods as he then swoops in and then up, grinning as he goes with the energetic music and the spontaneous flatulence!
Then, a flurry of small sparks fly from the ceiling and spiraled around in Tyler’s hand. In seconds, a round object manifests in the palm of the boy’s hand: What looks like one of those toy red buttons with the word [FART] on it in bold white lettering. He looks curiously as the magic sparkles creates the big shiny red button in his hand. Tyler grins as his palm slaps down on the button to see what happens.
Zack doesn’t even notice the toy as he dances in a circle, right before his brother hits the button -PUURRhh-
“Whoa!” The fart was like an air-punch that it made him buck his hips. The music keeps pumping comically, with the flatulent remix now in the kid’s hands.
Zack’s hips buck side to side with each loud fart his butt blows out. With one hand behind his head, he wags a fist-erected arm around while bounding his body like he was dancing at a party. -Bllrrrppp- Zack dances like a silly boy, waving his butt back and forth before singing some more.
“{Don’t you even try}” He wags his finger at the boy “{Telling me what’s good, what’s right! I don’t plan to be}” His hands hold his hips, “{So fucking uptight}” He bounces his bulge around on his lap as he does a sexy, fart-riddled dance, “{The hell with the false}” He grins as he poses.”{Modesty. I know I’m sexy~ GRR!” He flirts before he whips around, striking a pose with one first on his hip, and the other flexing his own bicep, with his bubble butt facing Tyler.
-BEERRrrp- The seat of his undies puff with another ripe bullfrog from between his buttcheeks.
Tyler can hardly believe just how silly he is acting, but also in a strange way the boy is loving seeing his big brother being such an excited showoff. He keeps pressing the button to see more of his brother’s humping and thrusting, and even starts going wild as he forces his dumb brother to fart more!
-FRRRT- -PRRRR- -BEERrrppp- With his hands on his knees and his backside facing his brother, Zack smirks over his shoulder as he pops his butt as he loses control of his flatulence -Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh--Prrhh-
“Hahah,” Zach turns around and jiggles his shoulders as he scats playfully for his little brother, Zack whips around and dances more in his tight underpants “{Let it out, I wanna hear it riiiiip}” He sings, “{Do me proud, don’t you just let it siiiIIIIiiit! You may think your life is in fart’s hands}” He dances with a shrug gesture with his arms “{Reality, nobody gives a daaaayaaamn (no)}”
“{Come on bud you gotta lose the shame}” He comes close to Tyler, “{If all else fails, look there’s a kid to blaaaaAAAaame!}” Zack says as he ruffles the kid’s hair before he struts backwards a few feet. “{You can tell a lot about a person based on how he takes fart cri-ti-ci-sm!}” His hands go back to behind his head as more powerful farts punch out of his butt, forcing him to buck his hips out again and again.
“Hahahahah!” Tyler continues to laugh out loud, still recording with his phone as his older brother’s bulge wobble and bounce on the front while his muscular butt flexes within his underwear.
Then Zack starts to dance with his arms pumping and swinging and swerving about, his butt still firing off random bouts of gas, “{Yaba daba duba, -PRNNG- ba bee ba ba bay! ,-PRNNG--PRNNG- Yaba daba duba, ba bee ba ba bay! ,-PRNNG-Yaba daba duba, ba bee ba ba bay! ,-PRNNG-- Yaba, ya buba, ya bee bay!}”-FRRTT-- FRRTT-
“{Yaba daba duba,-FRRTT- ba bee ba ba bay! -FRRTT--FRRTT- Yaba daba duba, ba bee ba ba bay! -FRRTT-Yaba daba duba, ba bee ba ba bay!-FRRTT- Yaba, ya buba, ya bee ba, woo}”-FRRTT--FRRTT--FRRTT-
“{Face it I am living art}” Zack sings out with his arms held out on either side of him “{You’re nothing but an old fart!}” Zack grabs his bulge with one hand and starts punching the air with his other hand. “{You’re done, and by done I mean: Long live fuuuun!}” -PUREeenng- Zack finishes up the popping dance with the last lyric”{Face it I am living art! You’re nothing but an old fart! You’re done, and by done I mean: Long live fuuuun!}”
The music pumps hard and fast, making the older brother roll his fists in circles up and step his legs up and about, the rhythm revving up to a speedy conclusion until finally, Zack puts his fists on his hips.
-Wreh-PURRnnggg- His ass gives a final thick fart behind him, making his athletic hips jerk a bit.
“{Shit}” He hymns as he poses his hips to turn to the side and his head peering over his shoulder with his rump tilting up.