June 4th
10:40 AM
Nicholas was playing outside while his mother tended to the frontal garden near the porch, making sure that all the plants were thriving and not drooping. He had his audino plushie, along with his gold and silver rattle that he enjoyed shaking around because of the relaxing chime it emitted. The pup wore a white button-up onesie with blue stripes, including white socks.
It was a sunny day accompanied by the sound of Pidoves cooing and flying above the house, not a problem in sight. Ranae slithered to her son and said “I’ll be in the garage for a moment, just need to find more rose seeds. It won’t be long.” as she planted a kiss on his head and went on her way.
While this happened, a two-year old Vullaby in a pink cloth-diaper and black shirt was walking down the neighborhood sidewalk. This is Ritha, the meanest youngster in the neighborhood. She liked to steal toys from the other children, and harass them in various ways. All the younger kids that lived here made sure to stay away from her at all costs!
“Let’s see… who can I bully today?” She asked herself as the dark bird stopped and noticed the rattle in Nick’s hand, she was envious of the pup having such a fancy toy. That’s when she got an idea, a horrible idea. A mischievous grin formed upon her beak as she chuckled to herself. “Found a new target… this kid won’t be able to stop me.”
As Nick shook his toy rattle around, he felt something feathery grab the handle of it. The pup turned around and saw the dark-flying type holding onto it with her wings. He believed this was a friendly pokèmon that wanted to play with him, and asked “Want to be fwiends?”
“Give me your rattle, or I’ll push you to the ground!” said Ritha as she tried to take the toy from him.
“Let go….!” said Nick in a fearful tone as he gripped his rattle by the handle.
Both young pokemon struggled for a few minutes until the rattle had been ripped from his paws, which caused him to tear up as he fell back and whimpered. The vullaby was able to steal it from him. What a mean act it was!
“Hah! Got your rattle you stupid baby! I’ll never be friends with you!” the vullaby said as she walked away with her stolen prize.
“Gimmie it! Mine!” the pup sadly exclaimed.
“Not getting it back, stupid!” said Ritha as she kept moving.
“But… but…” said Nick as he began blubbering, which then turned into bawling. “Waaaaaaaaah!”
The loud noise alarmed the mother as she slithered out of the garage, and went over to her precious boy. She observed the situation, seeing that her son’s gold and silver rattle was missing. She’d say to him “What happened to your rattle? Did someone nasty steal it from you?” as she comforted him by petting him on the head with her vines. The pup nodded as he looked straight ahead to where the vullaby was walking.
“Ah… so that’s who stole your rattle. Stay here honey, I’ll get it back.” said Ranae.
The serperior quickly slithered over to Ritha and stopped right in front of her. The vullaby was caught off guard as the rattle was snatched from her winged hands by the serperior’s vines. She was very angry with the troublemaker who upset her son.
“Oh no…. you're not that kid's mother are you?” the female bird asked as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She was in a lot of trouble now, especially since she was caught red winged!
“As a matter of fact, I am! Why are you picking on my son, and stealing his rattle?!” asked Ranae as she gave the bully a piercing glare. “That was my little boy’s birthday gift!”
“I uhhh… thought it was cool and wanted to steal it from him!” said Ritha. “Besides, he looks nothing like your son!”
This further enraged the mother as she emitted a loud hiss, extending her tongue for a moment. She couldn’t believe the attitude that this toddler was giving her. This caused the little bird to back away further, it seems her rude statement might've been too much!
“We adopted him from Blisswood Orphanage since he was abandoned by his former mother before birth!” the serperior shouted. “I don’t think you understand what it was like for him!”
Ritha shook with fear as she ran away quickly, not wanting to face the angry wrath of the grass serpent that towered over her with those piercing red eyes. She even soaked her own cloth diaper in fear!
The mother calmed down as she slithered over to Nick, holding his toy rattle in her right vine. The little pup was excited to see that his toy was taken back from the mean vullaby, watching as it was dropped right beside him. Nicky grabbed it with his right paw and began shaking it around!
“There you go, that bully won’t be bothering you for a while!” said the serperior as her daughter opened the front door and stepped outside.
“Hey mom, did something happen? Is everything alright?” Angelina asked.
“Everything is fine now, a Vullaby came by and stole Nick’s rattle. I was able to get it back, and scare that bully away.” said Ranae as she watched her daughter walk over to them.
“A Vullaby? That couldn’t be…” said the snivy.
“Yes, it was Morrison's daughter Ritha,” said the serperior.
The Morrisons were a family that lived in this neighborhood across the street, their daughter was the most troublesome two-year old ever despised. Her mother Randa was supportive of her daughter's bad behavior, while the father Adrian admonished it since his wife didn’t do anything about it. They’ve argued back about how they should be raising their daughter.
Aside from the flaw of being an improper mother, she was pretty good at baking cookies. The Mandibuzz makes the best batch of chocolate oran-berry cookies in the entire neighborhood, and she usually wins second or first place in cooking competitions.
Randa always left them a container of cookies on the porch in the past, but never had the time to do it anymore. She mentioned being tired of doing it, and stopped after a few years. If you ever stepped into her kitchen, you’ll smell the delicious scent of cookies within twenty seconds.
Angelina felt bad about not being able to stop the bully sooner, walking over to her little brother as she gently hugged him as he played with his rattle.
“I’m sorry Nick, I should’ve been there for you!” said the snivy. The little pup dropped his rattle on the ground, and reached around to hug his big sister. Which surprised her the most.
“Looks like he accepts your apology, after all… you’ve been caring for him before he was adopted. You both have a strong bond.” said the serperior as she smiled towards the both of them.
“We sure do, mom!” said Angelina as she let go of her brother.
“Later on, we’ll go speak with the Morrisons and tell them about what their daughter did,” said Ranae.
“Good idea, let’s hope that they’ll listen to us!” said the snivy.
“For now, go and hang out with your little brother until then. I must return to tending my garden,” said the serperior.
“Okay then, let’s go little brother!” said Angelina.
“Ahuh!” said Nick.
Nick and Angelina went back inside of the house for the time being, while their mother resumed her task that she was doing before having to deal with the young bully that was troubling her son. Both kiddos took turns pushing a bright-blue ball around.
Ritha Morrison was in the living room of her home, playing with some blue and yellow blocks that weren’t very exciting to her. While her parents bought lots of toys to make her happy, she wanted what the other kids had. It wasn’t easy to satisfy her.
“Stupid blocks, I wanted that silver and gold rattle! That orphan kid gets all the cool stuff, while I get regular toys…” said Ritha as she threw her blocks across the carpeted living room floor. A male Honchrow in a black and gray pinstripe suit with a black bowler hat walked into the room, wanting to check on his daughter. This was Adrian.
“So… how was your walk around the neighborhood? Did you make any new friends? Staying out of trouble?” he asked.
“Ugh… I tried to steal some adopted kid’s rattle, but I got into trouble with his mother… eep!” said the vullaby as she realized her mistake of revealing her troublesome act. The father became cross with his daughter as he crossed his wings across his chest, disappointed with her behavior.
“Ritha… how many times must I remind you!? Trying to bully and steal toys from other children in this neighborhood will get you into big trouble, I’ve already had to return items that you’ve stolen before! I don’t know why your mother thinks this is okay, but it clearly isn’t!” scolded Adrian. He was afraid that if this behavior continued, his only daughter could end up turning to a life of crime. The praise given to this behavior by his wife was simply intolerable, and yet she didn’t see a problem with it. He’s received many complaints from the other neighbors that lived on Roseberry Way, and even a visit from Rose Patrol at one point. “For your terrible misdeed, you are being grounded for two days. You’ll only have your plush murkrow to play with, while the rest of your toys are locked up in the toy chest. Since your mother won’t try to correct your behavior, I will!”
“But daddy…!” said the vullaby as she was interrupted by her father.
“No excuses, you’ve been reminded before and you still repeated the same action. I’m doing what’s best for you!” said the Honchrow as he sighed angrily. “Before I bring you upstairs, you’re coming with me to apologize to the Marbettes for your egregious behavior.”
“Yes daddy… I’ll come along.” said Ritha angrily.
The male honchkrow and his vullaby daughter exited the house, making their way to the Marbettes across the street. He heard from the other neighbors about their new adopted son, and hadn’t seen him yet. This was the opportunity to meet him in-person. He was still angry about his little girl causing trouble for that family.
11:35 AM
June 4th
The Marbettes Household
Angelina and her little brother were watching some kid-friendly television before lunch, when they heard two loud knocks on the door. The mother slithered over to the front door and twisted the knob using her two vines, opening it up. She was quite surprised to see that the Morrisons had come to them!
“Adrian, I am rather surprised and glad to see you!” said Ranae.
“I’ve brought my daughter to apologize to your adopted son for trying to steal his rattle. She’s being grounded for two days for her punishment.” said the honchkrow.
“That’s good, we actually planned on coming to you. This makes it easier, one moment please…” said the serperior as she slithered to the living room and gathered her two kids, then returned to the front door. Upon seeing the Vullaby, Nick stood by his big sister with great fear.
“So this is your adopted son? He’s quite a cute pup,” said Adrian.
“Thank you, his name is Nicholas, but you can call him Nick or Nicky,” said Ranae.
“I see, it's a pleasure to meet you, Nick.” the honchkrow said to him. “I’m sorry my daughter bothered you.”
The pup looked at him curiously, and nodded his head in response to his apology. The vullaby then approached him and said in a hesitant tone “I- I- I’m sorry for trying to steal your silver and gold rattle…” She hoped this was good enough for an apology. Nick wasn’t really sure what to say, since he was still afraid. He’d only nod in his response.
“Thank you for coming all this way, want anything before you go?” the serperior asked.
“No thank you, we’ll be heading out now…” said the male bird pokemon as he adjusted his bowler hat.
Adrian and his daughter turned around, walking down from their porch, and back across the street to their home. He didn’t want to stay for long, he wasn’t in the mood. The three watched as they made it across the street, and went right out of their sights.
“Well… that was certainly surprising. I am rather pleased that their father came with his daughter to apologize, and saved us the whole trip. Though… I wish their daughter wasn’t so mean.” said Ranae.
“Maybe when she grows up, she’ll become more mature,” said Angelina.
“But for now, time will only tell,” said Ranae.
Before they were about to head inside, the little riolu heard his stomach gurgle as his tail flagged upwards. He bent his knees as the pup got into a squat. He scrunched up face as he loudly grunted to himself, doing his usual duty of filling his padding. His big sister rubbed his back as she smiled and said to him “Go ahead, let it all out little brother.”
“Mmmmrphg! Hnnnngh!”
The pup pushed out two sizable loads into the back of his diaper, feeling it bulk up and protrude outward as it sagged down a bit. He let out a sigh of relief as a dopey grin appeared across his lips, His mother and big sister chuckled a little. It had quite an odorous stench.
“Mushy and warm…..” said the riolu as he was picked up by Angelina.
“Time to change your fertilized diaper, you’re going to need a bath later!” said the snivy as she gave her little brother a gentle pat on the back.
“Need any help, Angie?” asked her mother.
“I’ll be alright, but thank you for the offer.” said Angelina. “Time to get you cleaned up, little stinker!”
The snivy brought her little brother inside the house, and made her way upstairs to the bathroom. Upon entering, she brought him over to the changing table and gently laid him on his back. It didn’t take long to change the pup’s stinky diaper as she taped a new diaper around his waist, making sure to add plenty of baby powder to it. Angelina washed her grassy hands after throwing out the dirty diaper.
“There you go, nice and clean little brother!” said the snivy as she gave the fighting-type a pat on the head with her grassy hands.
“Big sissy… why was girl bad?” asked Nicky.
“That vullaby was mean to you because of her personality. Some people are like this, but not everyone is. It all depends on the upbringing. While a person can change over time, many will decide to remain the same. For better or for worse, this is how the world is. But for you my little brother… I think you have the chance of becoming a good person!” his big sister said to him.
The pup smiled at her as he was picked up and brought back down to the living room, where he was placed down in front of his PokèBlocks. His sister joined along and built some fun little structures with him, while their mother focused on making lunch.