Heya buds! In this one, I figured to pay a visit to a nostalgic place that I heard from a long time ago called Care-A-Lot to celebrate. While I am surprised to see many familiar faces, I did get to see new ones, including such as Young-at-Heart Bear(of whom is my caretaker), Mystic Heart Bear, and even a new close bud of whom is a rambunctious rebel known as Punk Heart Bear. After getting to know each other more, we figured we have a fun playdate running around in the Kingdom of Caring, stuffing our faces and cake(Yes, they knew it was my Birthday. X3 ) and causing mischief wherever we go. Of course when he was curious to know about my magic wand to cast a spell, I gave it a demonstration, which we both floated off in bubbles while having a blast, which in thus, made it a lot slippery and harder for the Care Bears to catch us. So hopefully we end up running out of energy before things gets chaotic in a fun way. Anyways, hope you buds enjoyed it! X3
Special credit goes to a recently good and wholesome bud,