This certainly has a different tone from the first part haha.
Manes Manes are such a big deal with lions, while a lot of the standards are based in how their bodies function, some of it is still societal preference. Nowadays, with these standards being challenged, a lot of homophobia and misogyny rear its ugly head. How dare a man be comfortable with a smaller, lighter mane? Dyeing your mane blond? Good lord. Even females with manes being normalized is causing an uproar through the lion community.
Color Color morphs don't really have that many stereotypes attached to them like how the many house cat colors do. They aren't super rare but they aren't common enough either to have stereotypes attached to each one. You're just Other if you aren't a typical color.
Basically: A typically colored tiger could frown at a blue tiger, but a house cat would go "Ooh, aah! You're so pretty! 😻"
Big cats do not like when one of their own stand out too much. It could ruin a hunt, it could alert an enemy, etc. The "Different is Bad" mindset is strong amongst panthers in general. Nowadays, in big cat dominated populations, an atypical colored panther could get rejected from a job, no matter how skilled they may be. Getting the sideeye from their coworkers because of how Special they are, it distracts the workplace, its also just general superstition.
All this paints big cats as being really judgmental and cruel.
Now, not all panthers have this mindset. Some families may paint their bright colored child or just accept them as is. There are also many parents that will leave their community or family for the sake of their child. This is the same case for hybrid big cats, which I will dig into later.
While small cats may be less extreme with their bias, they still other the different. (Note: big cats in the 'verse are usually all called panthers, not just black jaguars/leopards).