16 - WILD Went a bit late tonight since I was doing 15 and 16 at about the same time, cause... why not? I was on a roll with it, lets save time since we've already got the ideas. So we're technically already rolling around the clock on the dates, so we'll just post these both at once I guess?
There were a couple potential ideas here, but I was kinda leaning towards "something with Revya" it was just a matter of What? So while I was brainstorming this afternoon, the thought crossed that this was a good excuse to draw werewolf-Revya, see how that'd turn out. Plus I could play with and royally fail at figuring out more musculature and the like... XD Dunno how well that's translated, but I tried. Xp I liked playing with her hair too... trying to leave enough hints and details to relate that it's Revya without having to follow her color scheme or patterning. Cause, you know... it's a beastly transformation into another creature... they're not necessarily supposed to look like themselves in the end. :p