A tool used to translate a docx file to a text file with formatting for Fur Affinity. This can be helpful for posting stories in the description without having to lose formatting.
Run with: `python3 docxtofa.py [options] "FILE.docx"` Output file will be: `FILE (FA).txt` ----- Notes: - Requres python3 and python-docx (Use `pip install python-docx`) - Fur Affinity does not support indenting. This program will output them fine to the text file, but they won't mean anything when actually used on the site.
Current tool limitations: - Headings will output as normal text. - Bulleted lines will output as unbulleted lines. - Hyperlinks unfortunately cannot be parsed and a blank line will be left in its place. - Horizontal lines cannot be parsed and a blank line will be left in its place. You'll have to insert five or more dashes (---) manually where you'd like them to go.
----- Tool created by: :linkHaika: and :linkLexcario: