Here is a little something for my Justice-Sentai crossover fan-project.
Taking place during the epic aerial-battle, Destruction had sent some ground-units to attack the S.P.D members battling in the air, one such monster is Neo-Necksticker ニーオー・ネックスティカー that is readying his missiles, but Gumball Watterson and Matilda the Armadillo was ready to ambush the robot to help their friends out.
Neo-Necksticker: "TARGET..LOCKED!!" Gumball: "We have to fight that freak Tilly??" Matilda: "That is correct Gumball, our friends would be killed while battling the enemy in the skies if we don't ambush this SHADOW-Mechanoid." Gumball: "I know Tilly but still, holy crap this guy is huge!!"