From Sallyhot and SaL! This is for our favorite squirrel, and is also a glimpse of our Team Acorn Banner we're working on. Love ya Sally! This is a happy day, really, because this is the first and certainly not the last that both my and Sallyhot's Sally are in the same drawing. Hope you guys like!! Since this is a special occasion, I'd like to announce a comic we are working on, but will be long from finished for now. We don't have a title quite yet, but for now I can tell you it will feature BOTH my and Sallyhot's Sally Acorn in a full story we are writing. Can't wait!
12 years, 3 months ago
01 Oct 2012 07:10 CEST
Initial: 0ba6cd575af6f23367154b54a69a7eb1
Full Size: 892241b2c83b93ab66b882d8e7167b37
Large: 1cd99be61cc0b86dcdc1a7d1cf5b23a6
Small: 93355eecd9f96568beac21659d4b22f8
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