After having been stepped on by the unaware sleepy bun's gargantuan foot, Pyron remains stuck to the thick paw pad and is carried along with each powerful, whumpy, thumpy step. Any attempts to wriggle free are immediately undone as he gets squished back in place underfoot. Things quickly go from bad to worse for the teeny fire ant when the groggy bun finds his comfy pair of slippers, and decides to slip em on with the char still stuck to his foot!
This is page 2 of a series of comic pages I've commissioned (and am still commissioning) Dylan to do. Following from the previous page, we got some more steppy fun, and a lovely internal slipper view filling the majority of the page. You can really see just how tiny the char is in comparison to Dyl's massive foot. If there was any hope of getting free before, it's certainly gone now... <////>