This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Klonoa, a Namco series that centers around a long-eared creature (a Cabbit) who travels to different worlds via dream to solve various problems, make new friends, and take on dangerous enemies that threaten their very existence.
There have been plenty of games centered around the series and the Dream Traveler has made several guest appearances, from RPGs to Snowboarding games. Unfortunately, the franchise rarely got off the ground, unlike many major Namco IPs, and often fading back into the dreamscape. Hopefully, the latest pair of remasters (the 2nd Door to Phantomile since the "Wiimake", and the first ever remaster of PS2's Lunatea's Veil) will change things and lead to new official adventures.
NOTE: Sorry for missing characters like Balue, Leorina, and Tat. I didn't have the time or budget to ask to have them drawn here.