A ways back, I got into a big nostalgic kick about summer camps. I went to the same one every year when I was a cub myself, starting age 9 and going until age 15. I loved it, and I definitely miss it.
Spurred by this, I did what any normal person would do...I created my own imaginary summer camp on TapestriesMUCK. Yes, I am old fashioned enough that I still spend time there when I can. I combined all my childhood memories of camping, both at formal summer camps and just camping in general. I also added stuff I wish existed at the summer camps I went to, like an island with a tree fort and secret caves.
Recently, thinking I might set some stories there or get art commissioned of summer camp fun, I asked someone I know to create a logo for it. Counselors wear the logo on dark blue shirts. Campers wear the logo on bright red shirts (in case they go missing in the woods.) I figured I'd share the logos here as a possible preview of things to come.
Update 5/23/24: As I was writing the Large & in Charge story, I had the idea of the other two colors. Purple shirts are Junior Counselors. It marks them as halfway between the red of campers and the blue of Counselors. The deep navy blue is reserved for Burkett Burkessen, the badger who is the camp's Chief of Staff.
1 year, 8 months ago
10 Jul 2023 19:11 CEST
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