hey guys!!! so sly cooper is one of my best and most favorite videogame characters as well as videogame franchise in my lifetime okay so 5 years ago i started the sly cooper game series and it was amazing accept for the first game that one sucked XDX3 so starting from sly cooper 2 when they fixed the bugs i really started loving the game franchise and i even made the sly cooper cane as you can see in the link below but any way i am dealing recently with a mayor gamingblock i have no idea what to do with videogames lately thats why i am considering a nintendo switch to start pokemon on it so recently i started up sly cooper 2 on the playstation 3 againe and i played the first chapter to see if the spark lights up if i would feel the urge to game againe i mean but sadly enough nothing lighted up so i dont know if the problem is me or the games lately but as a honor of sly i made a inproved doodle of him so i hope you guys like it and i hope suckerpunch or who ever made the sly cooper videogame franchise i hope they get a smack across the head and start on sly cooper 5 instead of leaving us on a cliffhanger like they did to ratchet and clank........we had to wait until the ps5 came out to find out what came next...with sly cooper well i am https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2434130516.2704/flat,75... click here to see the cane prop i made :) https://www.deviantart.com/acp626/art/sly-cooper-cane-r...