Furfastrix (FURry FAst STRategic sIX) 3rd Edition is a 3d6-based, tabletalk-style RPG system that can be run with or without a GM, and run adventures set in almost any campaign setting. I'm currently working on a series of expansion books to use with the system, the first of which should be released later this year.
Furfastrix is built around two game mechanics than run throughout the whole system, and only requires the Core Rulebook itself to play. (The other books I'm working on are optional, more intended for players who want to run games using a pre-created game world.) It is fully furry, but also has options for humans, fantasy races and even a few exotics. (Scales and feathers are allowed here!)
(I'll be uploading the stats for a few characters in the Furfastrix Roleplaying System in the future, too!)
I've been designing RPG systems for far longer than I've been a furry artist (34 years compared to 23). But it's fun to produce something that combines both into a single project!
Thank you! I've been designing RPG systems for far longer than I've been a furry artist (34 years c