Anthonitecus and Astraligor after went on another adventures schedule they arrived at home because the fox boy wants to do an school project with his dad and the blue wolf accepts it, the doorbell rings and the maildog dude let an package for anton and astraligor, the brown fox opens the door and signs the paper with their names to recieve their package and the mailman leaves, anton asked his son "what's inside that crate champ?", "i dunno dad let's open it *opens the package* it arrived dad! our new camera, now we can take pictures of ourselves", "wow champ i didn't know we wanted a new camera, let's test it" asked anton "what can we do? i know what you're thinking dad" said astraligor while him and his wolfy dad giggles as they're about to do their biggest prank ever. after finishing their project they put the file on their pendrive and rushed to astraligor's school, the teacher reunited all the entire students to show their projects, as the show up line is on alphabetical order anthonitecus and astraligor are the first, they open their project and it appears a photo of anton and astraligor's butts and the dad and son duo started to explain their mischiveous project "anthonlupion is a big rounded world which has his planet son astraligortion, the small brown planet orbits his rounded blue father planet, and their mountains are the mount B-U-T-T and", "anton, astraligor that's a just picture of your butts, buut since if it's a prank or not from you guys we'll find out later buuut you guys totally won their notes 9,95 for you guys", "thanks teacher" said their duo as they leave the presentation room, atnon marked their prank as the biggest they made because the school people didn't realize the duo mooned the entire school but they tricked them by making an story as they would think their round bodies and their butts are planet shaped. anton and his son headed home and alycia was never happy about it because she recieved a phone call from the principal saying that the blue wolf and the brown fox kit moonshined the entire school and she kindly wants to "conversate" with anthonitecus and astraligor, it is now they enter the spanking time.
============================================================================== anyway, here's another anthonitecus and astraligor artwork and this time they made a bigger prank by mooning the entire school and making them think their round bodies are planets, i hope you like it. also don't worry because i didn't draw any winkies in there too, so it's still a SFW artwork