Character Sheet for ♥️ Billy ♥️
Character Description
(Trigger warning: child abuse, racism, incest)
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- The local bully and an all around little thug.
- Very much in the closet.
- Heavily physically abused and neglected by his father, Jude, and mother, MapleWood.
- His parents despise each other and are constantly running around and cheating and drinking.
- Because his parents are first cousins, he’s slightly inbred and slowly developing a misaligned spine. He has breathing issues and chronic joint paint in his legs and back.
- Due to the influence of his parents, he’s racist against the pony-kind around town, and because the only doctor in Cattle Ridge is also a pony, his medical issues have gone untreated.
- Tin Star in particular seems to be the focus of his aggression, though his reasoning may not be entirely out of hate.
- Most of the goats in Cattle Ridge are related, meaning he’s also related to Mayor BriarWood and WillowWood
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