Chapter 4: Explanations
Joey looked at the kitsune and approached him curiously wondering what was the matter,
"Hello?" Joey asked nervously
The kitsune nearly jumped out of his chair clutching his chest, startled in surprise as he turned around seeing Joey standing there. "Little boy, you nearly gave a heart attack, you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that, I don't think I can handle too many more surprises these days" the kitsune replied with a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare yous that badly" Joey replied innocently
The kitsune walked up and petted the otters head, "It's fine, just wasn't expecting you to be showing up here though" The kitsune walked the little otter out of the room before closing the door
"It looked like there was something bothering you in there" Joey replied with a concerned tone
The kitsune had remained silent for a moment looking at the otter before speaking. "It is nothing that one such as yourself should be concerned with. It’s just financial matters that's all" he replied maintaining a calm tone
Joey merely gave the Kitsune a look as he crossed his arms with an almost pouty sort of pose. "You know I wasn't born yesterday" Joey replied with a huff
" certain way technically you were" the shopkeeper replied jokingly
"That’s not what I meant..... I mean I know when someone is lying, and I can tell your lying, there's something your not telling me" Joey replied prying deeper into the matter
The kitsune had a nervous look as he was trying to think of how to change the subject, "So uhh... tell me little ott, how are Ben and Sasha treating you?" he asked
"They are treating me with only the deepest love they can give to me, and I do love them for that. They are more than I could of ever hoped for" Joey answered not wanting to abandon the his own question
"Tell me young child, what might that be around your neck?" The Kitsune asked
Joey looked holding the necklace in his paws seeing he was still wearing it there in the shop. "This is a necklace that Ben and Sasha made for me, it was a welcome to the family gift so that I can always remember the day I became part of their family" Joey replied happily
The kitsune smiled "That was very kind and sweet of them, they obviously care about you alot" The kitsune replied
"Yes, they do, and I love them for that" Joey replied
"Very good, tell me then have you.." The kitsune began to ask before being cut off
"Ummmmm sir? Mr. kitsune?" Joey asked, interrupting the fox "You're changing the subject like you're hiding something from me. Like it involves me and your not wanting to tell me"
"Please, Mr. Kitsune was my fathers uncles cousin's roommate twice removed" he replied jokingly hoping to to distract Joey
Joey just sat there with a slight grin but still had the tell tale look in his eye that he wasn't about to simply let this matter go without an answer.
The kitsune let out a sigh "Well, I'll give you flesh creatures this, you just don't ever give up, your persistence is admirable" he replied looking at the otter "Very well, but I might as well tell you my name, so that we may properly address each other in the future. My name is Ryuchi''
"Ryuchi? Nice name" Joey commented
"Thank you" He replied
"So then Ryuchi, can you please tell me what the matter is" Joey asked
"Yes dear child, you you recall when you asked of my existence, I mentioned that WE are most assuredly real" he replied
"Are you saying there's more of you?" Joey asked
"Oh yes many more, I wouldn't know where to begin to in telling you of just how many of us there are in existence" He answered
"Do they all do the same thing you do?" Joey asked
"Well.... not all, there are some who do, others though watch over worlds as guardians to protect and maintain a sense of order. The world you now inhabit being one such world" Ryuchi answered
"So what would they guard it from? Asteroids?" Joey asked confused
Ryuchi sighed, "No, far worse, our corrupted brethren, they were some kitsune who have fallen victim to their own power. They could no longer control their own magic, and have become puppets to it. In this corrupted state, they seek to only spread chaos and mayhem" Ryuchi answered in a sad tone
"How did they get corrupted?" Joey asked curious everything that he was being told
"Well they had tampered with forces that they were not experienced with. They tried to use magic far above what they could handle and that power took over their bodies and minds. They now seek out power only desiring to be stronger than anyone else" Ryuchi began to answer, "Those of us who could still control our magic, tried to help our brother and sisters return from their corruption, but they had already allowed themselves to be swallowed up by the overwhelming power. It’s what these corrupted puppets were doing with that power, that made us realize how serious things were" He answered
"What did they do?" Joey asked with a gulp of fear
"They used their power to spread chaos throughout some worlds, your world that you humans have decided to name, Earth, is one such domain for their chaos" Ryuchi answered
"So are they the ones who do all the pranks and such, doing it to spread chaos?" Joey asked with a tone of curiosity
"Well uhh... you see, it's not entirely them that do that, even us good natured sune's will partake in our share of pranks. That being said, we don't do anything evil, we just like to have a little fun. It’s no different than what you do to each on the day you all refer to as April fools day. We only do it to just have fun, and help us relax, we are quick to make up for it to show no hard feelings" Ryuchi answered rubbing the back of his head
"So what do they do for their own sense of chaos then?" Joey asked
"Lets just say not all disasters are natural, sometimes they have some influence to spread mayhem and keep the world in its state, they consider it a wonderland. It's for this reason, that we do wish to save others from these fates" ryuchi replied
"Wait, I thought the shop only appeared to those who would be worthy and deserve a second a chance" Joey asked confused not following
"Well you see, that's not entirely false, it's still true, it does appear to those who deserve a second chance, I give them a means to escape to go to a life free from all of this, so that they can have a chance to live the life they deserve. That door exists though, because sometimes they mess up so badly in their new life, that they may find it easier to go back to their old life then mop up their mess. Others find that they can't adjust well in their new lives as the world they enter into may lack things theirs had. Everyone has reasons that they go through the door and return, but it's fortunately only a small amount that ever use it. I hate seeing others using it." Ryuchi replied folding his hands together lowering his head
"Don't those corrupted kitsunes ever learn of your operation? No offense or anything but it would seem like they wouldn't agree with what you do" Joey commented
"Well... that's the thing young one, they don't, it's the reason why the shop is always moving around. It’s why it won't reappear to anyone who had exited through the door. It's meant to maintain a low profile, so they can't wise up and learn about it. It was a means to keep the people we pull out of this world safe. What has me so distressed, is that one of our fallen brothers has caught on about my shop. I'm busy trying cover my tracks so I can keep doing what I do" He answered
"Any idea how this happened?" Joey asked concerned
"None whatsoever, but you need not to worry yourself about this, I promise you that no harm shall befall you" Ryuchi replied
"Does anyone else know about all of this?" Joey asked out of curiosity
"No, for the simple reason you humans panic so much about your date changing over by one hour, not to mention panicking over baseless prophecies of doom you all come up with. If all that comes from just such little things like that I shudder to imagine the events that would unfurl if the world learned of demon foxes causing disasters. Let alone those who have browsed this shop before, it’s just I prefer to not burden others with this information" Ryuchi replied
"But then why tell me then if you don't like to" joey asked even more confused
"Little boy, would you honestly have let this go? You already saw too much and I could see it in your eyes that your curiosity and concern would never let the matter go. If I didn't tell you this you'd go and dig around for the knowledge on your own. I felt it would just benefit us both to bury this matter here and now, and put this matter behind us and move on" Ryuchi answered
"Well when you put it that way.." Joey replied shrugging it off
"Just keep what we discussed between us, I do not believe Sasha could bear to handle such news. If she learned of what was going on, well I would prefer that we didn't put that worry on her shoulders, she doesn't deserve that" Ryuchi commented
Joey just silently nodded in agreement as Ryuchi petted the otters head
"Now back to your home, I’m sure your family is waiting for you to wake up for a day of fun" He replied walking the otter to the back room to a small cot that Ryuchi slept in
As Ryuchi laid the otter down so he could wake up in his own bed he could hear the shop's door jingle as someone walked inside.
"Well I guess that's enough bedtime stories, if you wind up back here again, please try not to give me a heart attack" Ryuchi requested
The kitsune donned his disguise and walked out to the front as Joey started to shut his eyes.