Part 1 As everyone knows, Clara loves ice cream. So much so that she could probably eat an entire tank just by herself. Well, thankfully for her, someone was generous enough to provide her with a tank of her very own. Time to eat, I suppose.
Part 2 Halfway done with the tank and Clara's still able to keep going. She won't stop until the last drop is gone, which for her will be a sad time indeed. Also throughout her feeding frenzy, her clothes have seemed to start to tear apart, not the she minds, they were getting in her way anyways.
Part 3 And there it is! Clara was finally able to finish the entire tank of frozen cream by herself, however, just because she's eaten an entire freezer section's worth of ice cream doesn't mean that she's full. She loves ice cream that much. Even with her being more cream than Chu at this point, she's still wiling to gorge herself silly...the only problem is how she's going to get to the other tanks.