About Sin and Dee Silver's unnamed young daughter, she's a dingo like her mom, mainly because interspecies parents' offspring tend to be the same species as either one of their parents or the other, hybrids are super rare and are uncommon, Ott for example is half warthog like his father and half otter like his mother who's Wes' niece.
Meanwhile this dingo puppy is well aware of her mother's vigilant activities according to the two variations about Sin and Dee in the mid-credits scene if either one of them is dead making the other parent a widower, in the other variation about them both being dead making their daughter an orphan *Which she wasn't aware*, she believed her parents went on an adventure together and wants to be brave like them when she grows older as her mothers' friends became her legal guardians.
So based on those mid-credit scene variations about her parents, she was being trained by her mother Dee to be a fighter as Sin watches.