The Broken Chain Clan prides themselves on fighting for they're freedom, killing at least a hundred thousand humans for each link of the chains that once bound them.
But even amongst them, there is one Ork who must never, ever be set free. The Ork in question is the clans Weird Boy, Deadeye Headpopper. The oldest Ork in the Clan, he's also the one that's been exposed most to the strange metal they were forced to mine. He was left a near gibberish wreck, claiming to hear voices all around him, even when no one was around him, or talking. In his Madness, he forged bells from the strange metal, claiming that the ringing made the Metal Sing, and drove the voices away, for a time anyway.
Without the bells tone though, Deadeye would become more and more Violent and erratic, often lashing out at those around him, both with his fist and his strange powers. The Orks fear that freeing him would result in him becoming an unstoppable killing machine. Most of the time, that's fine and good for a laugh, but not the way Deadeye dose things, so the Clan dose what it can to keep him bound.
For those not in the know. Head popping is what happens when a Mad Boyz power goes out of control. Heads explode at random. Nice if he's close to the enemy. Not so nice when your top mechanic decorates the roof of the garage with his brains.
For those not in the know. Head popping is what happens when a Mad Boyz power goes out of control. H