So recently we had finished up a long running d&d game we called "Cosmic Snafu" in which me and my fellow players played demons and angels and cosmic horrors alike in a post apocalyptic world. During the final session, when our heroes tried to reach god's domain to stop him from resetting the universe to nothing, we encountered a pair of angels gaurding the entrance, one of which turned out to be an angelic version of the big bad plush goat demon from Misfits, Xazil. Azazil, as this version is called, is almost the opposite of his demonic counterpart. He is sweet, caring, never wrathful, and only wishes to help mortals be clean of their sins... by swallowing them whole. Yeah he is still a glutton, but only for those he senses are dirty with sin. Thankfully unlike Xazil, he tends to let them out afterwards. I just couldn't resist doodling him up for the game.